- 1. Sometimes original art works appear questionable or inauthentic because they've had so many restorers add touch-up layers to cover up damage, damage from the paint having deteriorated over time.
- 有时候艺术品真迹看起来是赝品,是因为很多修护人员添加了很多层保护膜,以覆盖油画上的损伤;而随着时间的推移,画作上损坏的地方已经恶化了。
- 2. But is it "real music," or something inauthentic and artificial?
- 但是它是“真正的音乐”,或是不真实的、人造音乐?
- 3. Don't allow peer pressure to force you into an inauthentic role.
- 不要在压力的屈从下扮演不真实的自己。
- 4. Hence, it would lead to the appearance of fake or inauthentic news.
- 因此,它会导致出现虚假或不真实的新闻。
- 5. It is impossible to be inauthentic while you are focusing on My Presence.
- 当你集中注意力在我的同在上,表现不真实是不可能的。
- 6. His demeanor and ambition mark him as an inauthentic black man, a sellout.
- 他的风范与野心标志着他作为一个不真实的黑人男子,一个虚设。
- 7. Success from our perspective is a form of inauthentic joy based upon "triumph".
- 你们观点中的成功是一种基于“胜利”的不真实的欢乐方式。
- 8. Practice in using synonyms and near synonyms in inauthentic and then authentic texts.
- 先在不真实篇章,然后在真实篇章中练习运用同义词和近义词。
- 9. Not only was I stuck in my inauthentic hatred, but the feelings underneath were hurting me too!
- 不仅是我深陷其中的虚假憎恨在伤害我,连隐藏的真实感觉也在刺痛着我。
- 10. It is an inauthentic way of living, as we deny responsibility for our own lives, our own choices.
- 我们否认生活中的责任,否认自己做出的选择,这是种不守信的生活方式。
- 11. The consciousness of inauthentic self usually intensified the aforementioned senses into despair.
- 而对真实自我丧失的自觉意识往往把上述情绪强化为绝望。
- 12. In short, from a cultural orphan with inauthentic name to a successor of traditional black culture;
- 总之,从一个没有真实姓名的文化孤儿到黑人文化传统的继承者;
- 13. Out ton the road, backpackers love to talk about how authentic their travels are and how inauthentic tourists are.
- 在旅途中,背包旅游客喜欢讲述他们的旅游是多么的真实、贴合内心,而游客是怎样走马观花地旅游。
- 14. If the Shurangama Sutra is inauthentic, then I vow to fall into the Hell of Pulling Tongues to undergo uninterrupted suffering.
- 如果《楞严经》是假的,我愿意堕拔舌地狱,受无间的痛苦。
- 15. A loophole in the 1996 Auction Law in China means that buyers have no recourse if they purchase a lot that turns out to be inauthentic.
- 1996年中国拍卖法有一个漏洞,这意味着买家如果买到一堆假货,并没有追索权。
- 16. For Nietzsche, the underpinnings of consciousness which make the operations of consciousness inauthentic are the nature of language itself.
- 尼采认为,意识的支柱中,使得意识非真的是,语言的本质。
- 17. When it comes to healing and understanding our negative emotions, there is one important thing to realise: Some of our feelings are inauthentic.
- 我们在理解和治疗消极情绪时,有一点是非常重要,一定要认识清楚的:我们的感觉并不是都是真的,有一些是假的。
- 18. And, knowing who you are inside — independent of the pressures to adapt to a "self" that may bring external reward but also feels alien and inauthentic.
- 弄清楚内心深处的自己是谁——不要出于压力把自己变成一个得到外在的奖励而内心感到陌生和不真实的“自己”。
- 19. As with many aspects of happiness, people often assume that friendship should flow easily and naturally, and that trying to "work" on it is forced and inauthentic.
- 和构成幸福的几大要素一样,人们常常认为友谊应该自然的产生。努力开始一段友谊是不真实的是被迫的。
- 20. Deep acting may help improve mood in the short-term, but Scott says it has been suggested that if people do this over a long period they start to feel inauthentic.
- 然而真诚微笑在短期可能改善情绪,但斯科特说若长期如此则可能开始自我怀疑笑容的真实性。
- 21. The embroidery and decoration, all that now seems inauthentic, something that, in fact Yeats's audience had failed to value properly he's complaining here in this poem.
- 那些刺绣和装饰,所有那些看起来不真实的,所有他的读者未能正确欣赏的,他在这首诗里都有抱怨。
- 22. The embroidery and decoration, all that now seems inauthentic, something that, in fact Yeats's audience had failed to value properly he's complaining here in this poem.
- 那些刺绣和装饰,所有那些看起来不真实的,所有他的读者未能正确欣赏的,他在这首诗里都有抱怨。
- 23. If the children actually are gay, they may feel inauthentic, like they are following in their parents' footsteps rather than becoming who they intrinsically are meant to be.
- 孩子是同性恋,他们会感觉难以启齿,就像是步了父母的后尘,而不是命中注定。
- 24. He admits that he doesn't really have an advanced theory that secures one kind of representation as true or authentic and secures another kind of representation as bias and inauthentic.
- 他承认自己没有一个更高级的理论,能保证某种表现一定是是真实的,另一种表现一定,是不真实的。
- 25. The answer was simple. My remaining hatred was inauthentic - the real hatred I had felt for him had been healed a long time ago; what remained was a cover for the authentic feelings underneath.
- 答案很简单,剩余的仇恨不是真实的感觉我真正对他的怨恨很久前已经消失了,剩下的恨只是掩盖了被埋藏的真正感觉。
- 26. The answer was simple. My remaining hatred was inauthentic - the real hatred I had felt for him had been healed a long time ago; what remained was a cover for the authentic feelings underneath.
- 答案很简单,剩余的仇恨不是真实的感觉我真正对他的怨恨很久前已经消失了,剩下的恨只是掩盖了被埋藏的真正感觉。