- 1. He resigned amid allegations of financial impropriety.
- 他因在财务上不恰当的陈述辞职了。
- 2. They were shocked by the impropriety of the young man's action.
- 他们为那年轻人的不当举止而感到震惊。
- 3. Impropriety is the soul of wit.
- 不当是风趣的精髓。
- 4. There was no evidence of impropriety.
- 没有什么不当行为的证据。
- 5. I was surprised by the impropriety of his remarks.
- 他的话不得体,我听了很诧异。
- 6. It was the abode of noise, disorder, and impropriety.
- 这是一个吵吵闹闹、乱七八糟、没有规矩的人家。
- 7. Right now, the French can ill-afford even the whiff of impropriety.
- 目前,法国人承受不了哪怕一点点的行为欠妥。
- 8. A lawyer should avoid even the appearance of professional impropriety.
- 律师应避免出现不正当业务现象。
- 9. I do not censure her _opinions_; but there certainly _is_ impropriety in making them public.
- 我不指摘她的看法,但是她把这些看法公诸于众,无疑是不妥当的。
- 10. Elizabeth, however, had never been blind to the impropriety of her father's behaviour as a husband.
- 不过伊丽莎白并不是看不出父亲的缺德。
- 11. Actually, all controversies can be attributed to the impropriety and obscurity of related stipulations.
- 其实,对以上三个问题的争议,来源于我国现行刑法的模糊及不合理的规定。
- 12. She was now struck with the impropriety of such communications to a stranger, and wondered it had escaped her before.
- 于是她突然想到他跟一个陌生人讲这些话是多么冒昧,她奇怪自己以前为什么这样疏忽。
- 13. Nevertheless, even the appearance of impropriety on the part of a fund is enough to send investors bolting for the exits.
- 但是,哪怕有蛛丝马迹显示出一家基金公司进行了不当操作,就足以令投资者落荒而逃了。
- 14. EvidentLy, the soul-stealing activities of the fox demon were associated with the impropriety of rule by empress dowagers.
- 显然,狐妖的魂魄窃取活动被同皇太后的不当统治联系在一起。
- 15. While yet aware of the impropriety of it, Isolde and Tristan fail to harness the mounting escalating magical power of love.
- 虽然知道十分不应该,伊索尔德与特里斯坦却无力按抑抗拒益发澎湃的爱情魔力。
- 16. The business directive is for the business to protect itself, so that the business is not accused of impropriety as it executes its business applications.
- 这个业务指示的目的是保护企业本身,让企业不会由于执行它的业务应用程序而成为被告。
- 17. The suggestion formulation regarding the training organization combines is relatively novel, unavoidably have impropriety, hope every scholar makes a comment.
- 关于培训机构整合的建议提法较新颖,难免有不当之处,希望各位学者给予指正。
- 18. This paper first explains the reason of academic impropriety based on jurisprudence and then proposes some measures to strengthen academic legal norm construction.
- 在对学术失范的原因进行法理学解释的基础上,提出了加强学术法律规范建设的措施。
- 19. Many defects exist in the operation mechanism of geological and prospecting enterprises owing to historical reasons. One of defects is budget management impropriety.
- 由于历史原因,不少地勘企业运行机制存在许多缺陷,其中预算管理薄弱便是其中之一。
- 20. Thirty-two years after this pronouncement, the image was displayed again, and King Charles VI of France ordered its removal to Troyes, citing the impropriety of the image.
- 这个声明发出三十二年后,肖像再次展现,法国国王查理四世下令把它搬迁到Troyes,引用了不适当的肖像。
- 21. DON: It's a disclaimer that indemnifies me against any charges of workplace impropriety, harassment, or ACTS of God should we ever enter into a "consensual romantic arrangement."
- 唐:一份免责声明,保障我免予有关办公场所的不恰当行为、骚扰、或不可抗拒行为的任何控诉,若是我们达成一项“两厢情愿的浪漫协定”。
- 22. Analysis the reasons of legislative gap on engagement, the purpose of behavior on the nature of bride price should be adopted, pointing out impropriety of the relevant provisions.
- 分析了我国关于婚约出现立法空白的原因,提出关于彩礼的性质应采目的行为说,指出法律相关规定之不当之处。
- 23. If do not have the corresponding conditions to develop own-brand blindly, it could lead to the PB commodity impropriety, inefficient and damage enterprise image, the consequences.
- 如果不具备相应条件就盲目发展自有品牌,则可能导致PB商品经营不当、效益不佳以及损害企业形象等后果。
- 24. Critics say Singapore's courts have set a low bar; prosecutors simply have to show that a defendant could have given an average reader an impression of judicial bias or impropriety.
- 批评者认为新加坡法庭设立的标准偏低,告发者只需表明被告可以让大部分读者感到司法存在偏见或不得当。
- 25. Despite there being no evidence of impropriety there was an opposition outcry when the firm instead went to Ahmet Calik, a rival whose firm is co-managed by Mr Erdogan's son-in-law.
- 尽管没有证据显示这种行为的不当,但是,当这家公司最终被同时竞争的艾哈迈德•恰勒克公司收购时,这一结果遭到了强烈的公开反对,因为这家公司的管管理者之一,就是埃尔多安的女婿。
- 26. Despite there being no evidence of impropriety there was an opposition outcry when the firm instead went to Ahmet Calik, a rival whose firm is co-managed by Mr Erdogan's son-in-law.
- 尽管没有证据显示这种行为的不当,但是,当这家公司最终被同时竞争的艾哈迈德•恰勒克公司收购时,这一结果遭到了强烈的公开反对,因为这家公司的管管理者之一,就是埃尔多安的女婿。