- 1. Garcia is well known for his impish sense of humour.
- 加西亚搞笑式的幽默感广为人知。
- 2. You seem to be... the impish type!
- 你似乎属于…顽皮的性格!
- 3. Impish eyes peered from the doorway.
- 门口有双顽皮的眼睛在朝里张望。
- 4. Teasing and worrying with impish laughter half suppressed.
- 用顽皮笑声戏弄和使人烦恼被抑制了一半。
- 5. Harry's darkness was balanced by Ron's impish sense of humor.
- 罗恩的幽默平衡了哈利的阴郁。
- 6. Finally decided to change the face to a little more impish or mischievous look.
- 最后我还决定让机器人的脸看起来更调皮一点。
- 7. I first met her in 1974, when she was a slightly impish 21-year-old home from Oxford on summer vacation.
- 我在1974年第一次遇到贝布托,当时她还是个二十一岁的少女,从牛津返乡度暑假。
- 8. "This can also earn me some pocket money," Gu says with an impish smile, "as the stock I bought has gone down."
- 此时的谷显得有些顽皮,他笑着说:“这样一来,我可以赚点零花钱,因为我的股票跌了。”
- 9. Gamorr is also home to an impish mammalian species called quizzers, which the Gamorreans hate with a passion.
- 加莫星还有一种顽皮的哺乳动物,被称作嘲弄鬼(quizzer),加莫人对之痛恨不已。
- 10. And, yes, her being carried, tenderly as a doll, by an elderly woman in a monkey-fur coat with an impish, vicious smile.
- 是的,她被像个布娃娃般温柔地抱在一个老妇人怀中,那人穿着猴子皮大衣,恶作剧的坏笑。
- 11. The future Prime Minister remained equally impish when at Oxford - as this extraordinary picture of him making a lewd hand gesture demonstrates.
- 这位如今的首相先生在牛津大学上学时仍不改顽皮个性,这张带有他做着下流姿势的特殊照片便可以证明这一点。
- 12. Dressed fashionably in black, with rings on his fingers and shades on his nose, Mr Hirst is an impish figure with a strong streak of humour.
- 这位艺术家身着一身时髦的黑色,手指上戴着多个戒指,鼻梁上支着太阳镜——可以说他是一位言谈有很强幽默感的顽童人物。
- 13. It was a stroke of impish genius on the part of whoever was in charge of the footage to zoom in on David Cameron while he was singing this number.
- 当大卫·卡梅隆唱数字的时候,镜头急速的转移到他身上,负责拍摄的无论是谁,这都是天才之举。
- 14. Look for people who can balance you somehow. Harry's darkness was balanced by Ron's impish sense of humor. His passion was balanced by Hermione's logic.
- 找那些能与你互补的人为友。罗恩的幽默平衡了哈利的阴暗。他的热情又和赫敏互补了。
- 15. With Xabi gone, someone will have to step into the first team - thus leaving a space open on the bench for the impish (and very, very expensive) Irishman.
- 龙哥的走,有些人会升入一线队——这样板凳上就会为天价爱尔兰小鬼留出位置。
- 16. These mean and miserly folk do not welcome interlopers: watch out for spells which summon toothsome traps from the floor, or conjure nasty impish fres called Vexes.
- 某些卑鄙而又吝啬的人们并不那么欢迎闯入的冒险者:请小心,他们会从地板召唤尖牙来进行攻击玩家,或者他们也会召唤恼鬼来进行攻击玩家。
- 17. Recognizing this impish quirk of human thinking helps us peacefully detach from crazy-makers who might otherwise drive us nuts, and jolts us free from the places we get most stuck.
- 认识到人类思维的”调皮“会帮助我们平和地从那位本来也许让我们”疯狂“的”疯狂制造者“分身,从而让我们在那些动弹不了的地方摆脱出来。
- 18. She was 24, and wore a traditional white gown. Phil, who was then 66, and marrying for the third time, opted for a straw-coloured wig, teamed with a black silk shirt, dark suit, and an impish smile.
- 照片里,24岁的蕾切尔穿着传统的白色婚纱,已经66岁的菲尔则头戴浅黄色的假发,身穿黑色丝质衬衫和黑色西服套装,露出顽皮的笑意,这已经是他第三次结婚了。
- 19. She was 24, and wore a traditional white gown. Phil, who was then 66, and marrying for the third time, opted for a straw-coloured wig, teamed with a black silk shirt, dark suit, and an impish smile.
- 照片里,24岁的蕾切尔穿着传统的白色婚纱,已经66岁的菲尔则头戴浅黄色的假发,身穿黑色丝质衬衫和黑色西服套装,露出顽皮的笑意,这已经是他第三次结婚了。