- 1. Motorbikes and trucks hurtle along the roads.
- 摩托车和卡车在村路上轰鸣而过。
- 2. A RACING track hums as miniature cars hurtle round it.
- 微缩的小车在跑道上飞驰,嗡嗡作响。
- 3. Thee experiment is for the rest of us who hurtle towards Christmas.
- 实验是为我们这些急于过圣诞节的普通人准备的。 。
- 4. We remark that time "flies" as we hurtle toward our inevitable demise.
- 我们面对无可?避的死亡,叹光阴似箭,人生如。
- 5. Mr Van der Meer wanted to get particles to hurtle into each other head on.
- 范德梅尔先生想通过粒子相互对撞来获捕粒子。
- 6. That's the last hurtle, which we're at now, since we're dealing with distribution.
- 这是最后一路,我们正处在现在,因为我们正在处理的分布。
- 7. The di is green to ride his Ferrari, take the guide, take a disguise to hurtle to in the battlefield.
- 狄青骑着他的法拉利,一马当先,带着面具冲到了战场上。
- 8. The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.
- 辽阔的海疆飞驶英雄的战艇,西部边陲又腾起冲天的火箭。
- 9. Here, enormous slides hurtle people across the icy river which is as good a way as any to end a day in Harbin.
- 这里飞驰着大量的雪橇载着人们穿过冰河,这是一个相当好的结束在哈尔滨一天的方式。
- 10. The air of excitement is thicker, hurtle Liu Feng to put to begin outside several rices in the cross-eye eyes.
- 斗鸡眼眼中兴奋的神色更浓,在几米外冲着柳风摆着手。
- 11. Slowly flow to make a fuss over minor things on coming in to call, and hurtle he after death of the miss say: See?
- 徐流一进门就大惊小怪叫起来,并冲他身后的姑娘说:看见了?
- 12. Immediately, one is strong of the smoked aroma interest hurtle into my nostril and let me almost once shut spirit to go.
- 立刻,一股浓烈的熏香气息冲入我的鼻孔,让我几乎闭过气去。
- 13. Say ugg tall hurtle the location of eastward common to softly nod, 2 folk together, facing the same direction merely work.
- 说罢,冲着东方将军的位置轻轻点头,两人一起,向着同一个方向而去。
- 14. Silver carp are known to hurtle from the water at the sound of passing motors and slam into boaters with bone-breaking force.
- 众所周知,白鲤听到汽艇马达的声音会高高地跳出水面,高速奔驰的汽艇上的人不幸撞到它们会皮开肉绽骨头断。
- 15. Hurtle to press to model of zero, parts, in addition to surface handle, do not need to carry on again generally other process.
- 冲压成型的零、部件,除表面处理外,一般不需要再进行其他加工。
- 16. Of the millions of rocks it throws out of orbit at each visit, some hurtle Earthwards--and have several times nearly wiped out life on Earth.
- 它每一次访问太阳系时,都从轨道上甩出上百万个岩块,其中一些飞向地球的方向--有几次几乎摧毁地球上的生命。
- 17. AT ATMs I don't put my cash in my purse, I stuff it in a pocket and hurtle on. When I come to pay for something I have no idea where my money is.
- 我在AT M机取钱时不把钱放进钱包,只把它们塞进口袋就匆匆上路,买东西的时候我不知道钱放在了哪里。
- 18. Only once was it sprung, by Reece Brown, only for Rodrigo Possebon's subsequent shot to be blocked and Oliver Norwood's rebound to hurtle well over.
- 只是罗德里戈。波塞庞德射门被封堵,而奥利弗。诺伍德的补射也打飞了。
- 19. The next generation of astronauts may hurtle through the cosmos for years or decades on a mission to explore distant planets and stars - and never return.
- 下一代的宇航员可能要在宇宙中执行为期数年或者数十年的任务,以探索遥远的行星和恒星——并且永不归来。
- 20. The Tengchong County is abundant the colorful health tourism resources carried a figure type to hurtle a health tour a development to create an important found.
- 腾冲丰富多彩的健康旅游资源载体为腾冲健康旅游开发创造了重要的条件。
- 21. I turn pate to say with smile, some copper currencies crouched down body to elect up to fallen off, now later and then and rapidly targeted a target, hurtle past.
- 我回头笑道,蹲下身子捡起掉落的一些铜币,接着便迅速的锁定了一个目标,冲了过去。
- 22. If we get thrown out of a window on the top floor of a skyscraper, we expect to hurtle to the ground, no matter how much we would rather fly away and land safely elsewhere.
- 如果从摩天大楼的顶层被扔出窗外,不管有多盼望飞走或者安全着陆到其他地方,我们都会希望很快到地面。
- 23. Racing drivers hurtle round a track, touching speeds of 350km an hour. Office-bound managers may occasionally wheel their chairs from one side of their desks to the other.
- 车手在赛道上疾驰,速度可触及350公里每小时,而办公室里的经理们可能偶尔会把椅子从办公桌的一边滑到另一边。
- 24. While nothing even close has yet made its way to the real world, a number of physicists have studied whether we really could hurtle ourselves through a hypothetical wormhole.
- 但是在现实世界里这个想法无从下手,许多物理学家研究过我们是否真的能通过假设性“虫洞(天体物理学术语)”来跳跃空间。
- 25. All mercenary infantry and escort are to mate clothes but nap, this is the accustomed that develops for long period. Hear interjection, they abrupt took weapon to hurtle out.
- 所有的佣兵和护卫都是合衣而睡,这是长久以来养成的习惯。听到叫声,他们第一时间拿着武器冲了出来。
- 26. Making Mo and eastern Qing city naturally can't do to be vanquished and run this variety of happening, they stand over there and allow those people to hurtle to their in front.
- 弄墨和东方倾城当然是不会做落荒而逃这种事情的,他们站在那里,任那些人冲到他们面前。
- 27. Russian teenagers are risking their lives in a deadly new craze - clinging to the back of Moscow underground trains as they hurtle through darkened tunnels, local media reported.
- 据当地媒体报道,莫斯科少年最近流行起一种新的疯狂玩法——跳上地铁尾部跟随地铁穿越隧道。
- 28. There is some inclinations in the orbit here, be the pulley hurtle along with the slant orbit a while in the turn of time, I frighten scare to death, start to close tightly eyes.
- 这里的轨道有些倾斜,当滑车在转弯处一下子随着倾斜的轨道冲去的时候,我吓得魂飞魄散,紧闭起眼睛。
- 29. The Hong sunny voice resounds through in the big palace, Gao Gao's Qiong crest starts to reverberate serious echo, solemn and peaceful but solemn, the threatening coerce hurtle sky.
- 洪亮的声音在大殿中响彻,高高的穹顶回荡起庄严的回声,肃穆而庄严,声势冲天。
- 30. Small sea sky seemed to be to full to the certificate of identification that just got unusual, took the certificate of identification in hand in swing, and often hurtle everyone to smile.
- 小海天对刚刚领到的身份证显得十分新奇,将身份证拿在手里摇来摇去,并不时冲着大家笑。