- 1. I became embarrassed and huffy and told her to take the money back.
- 我既尴尬又气愤,告诉她把钱拿回去。
- 2. She stayed huffy a good while.
- 她气了好一阵。
- 3. Similar huffy critiques came from the leaders of Egypt and Jordan.
- 来自埃及(Egypt)和约旦(Jordan)的领导人也表达了类似不快的批评。
- 4. Can't you see how huffy he got when the same thing happened last time?
- 你没看到上次发生这种事时他发多大火吗?
- 5. A risk now is that Pakistan's huffy leaders drag their country into isolation.
- 一个新的风险就是巴基斯坦赫菲领导人将把国家带入孤立。
- 6. Republicans get huffy when you call their plan a voucher scheme, but that’s exactly what it is.
- 你将共和党的计划称为代金券方案时,共和党就会发火,但实际上就是那种东西。
- 7. Only when the MOBS make the mistake of dumping it off their own coasts does the state start to get huffy.
- 而只有当这帮乌合之众搞错地方,把废料倒在他们自己国家的时候,这些国家才会火冒三丈。
- 8. Outgoing Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda was unpopular with voters but T-shirts printed with his huffy parting shot are now a hit.
- 刚刚辞职的日本首相福田康夫不受选民欢迎,但是印有他一句临别怒言的T恤衫现在却卖得很火。
- 9. Stereotyped as huffy and inhospitable, the Shanghainese are downplaying these complaints on the one hand, and making subtle overtures on the other.
- 一向被认为是傲慢、冷漠的上海人,一面低调处理这些抱怨,一面巧妙地向外地人表示友好。
- 10. While I might not have been as full-tilt as the lady who yelled at the airline personnel, there was a time in my life not long ago when I would have been, well, huffy.
- 我可能不会象那个冲着工作人员吼叫的女士那样暴跳如雷,但前几久我有一次努力控制激动情绪的经历。
- 11. While I might not have been as full-tilt as the lady who yelled at the airline personnel, there was a time in my life not long ago when I would have been, well, huffy.
- 我可能不会象那个冲着工作人员吼叫的女士那样暴跳如雷,但前几久我有一次努力控制激动情绪的经历。