- 1. Homophony is a phenomenon widely existed in Chinese.
- 谐音是汉语里一种普遍存在的语言现象。
- 2. As a culture-centered feature in Chinese rhetoric, homophony is closely related to Chinese culture.
- 谐音作为一种具有汉民族文化特色的修辞手段,与汉文化的关系极为密切。
- 3. The paper describes the phonological system and its features of Changle dialect in Miluo county, Hunan province and lists its homophony syllabary.
- 本文描写湖南汨罗长乐方言音系,主要包括长乐方言的声韵调及其特点、长乐方言同音字汇。
- 4. The paper describes the phonological system and its features, and lists its homophony syllabary of Lixi dialect in Wuning County, Jiangxi province.
- 本文介绍江西省武宁县礼溪话的声韵调、音韵特点和同音字汇。
- 5. This article describes the phonological system and its features of Gan dialect in Hanbin district, the city of Ankang, Shaanxi providence and lists the homophony syllabify.
- 本文描写了陕西安康汉滨区牛蹄乡赣语方言岛的语音系统,列出了同音字汇。
- 6. The study of the Chinese semantic relationship relies on that of the phonetic-semantic relations among Chinese characters which fall into three types: homophony, synonymy and paronym.
- 汉语语义关系的探求离不开汉字音义关系的探求,汉字的音义关系分为同音、同义和同源三种。
- 7. This paper presents a brief discussion on Chinese cybertalk from the semiotic perspective, and the homophony strategies are considered to be the main and effective way to produce the cybertalk signs.
- 本文从符号学的角度对网语进行了初步探讨,认为谐音策略是网语符号生成的主要方式之一,并归纳分析了谐音对译、谐音别解、谐音仿词、谐音代字、谐音假借和谐音节略六种形式。
- 8. This paper presents a brief discussion on Chinese cybertalk from the semiotic perspective, and the homophony strategies are considered to be the main and effective way to produce the cybertalk signs.
- 本文从符号学的角度对网语进行了初步探讨,认为谐音策略是网语符号生成的主要方式之一,并归纳分析了谐音对译、谐音别解、谐音仿词、谐音代字、谐音假借和谐音节略六种形式。