- 1. Suddenly the cow kicked up its hind legs.
- 突然奶牛踢起了后腿。
- 2. A goat was standing up against a tree on its hind legs, trying to get at the leaves.
- 一只山羊后腿趴在一棵树上站起来,试图去够树叶。
- 3. Snake embryos, for example, sprout hind limb buds.
- 例如,蛇的胚胎会生长出后肢。
- 4. The large hind legs were used for propulsion in water.
- 巨大的后肢用于在水中驱动。
- 5. Other species sport up to four toes on their hind legs.
- 其他的种类则彰显出了后肢的四个趾头。
- 6. The fossil luckily includes a good portion of the hind legs.
- 很幸运,化石包含了一大部分后腿。
- 7. A magnificent Poodle appeared, walking on his hind legs just like a man.
- 一只华丽的鬈毛狗出现了,像人一样用后腿走路。
- 8. Basilosaurus was undoubtedly a fully marine whale with possibly nonfunctional, or vestigial, hind legs.
- 龙王鲸无疑是一种完全海生的鲸鱼,它的后腿可能没有功能,或退化了。
- 9. One big mottled arm shot out and caught Toad by a fore-leg, while the other-gripped him fast by a hind-leg.
- 一只长斑点的大胳膊猛地伸出来,抓住托德的一条前腿,另一只手抓住他的一条后腿。
- 10. Archaeopteryx shows no obvious features of gliders, such as a broad membrane connecting forelimbs and hind limbs.
- 始祖鸟并没有表现出明显的滑翔机的特征,比如有一层连接前肢和后肢的宽膜。
- 11. There are few known fossil specimens of these ancient snakes and only three in which the hind limbs are preserved and visible.
- 这些古老蛇类的化石标本非常稀少,仅有的三个标本的后肢保存完好并可见。
- 12. Many of these have minuscule limbs; some look more like snakes than lizards and a few have completely lost the toes on their hind limbs.
- 其中很多动物都有细小的四肢;有些看起来更像蛇而不是蜥蜴,还有一些完全失去了后肢的脚趾。
- 13. He collects cans, crisp packets, and plastic bottles from parks near his home before jumping up onto his hind legs to place them into bins.
- 他在家附近的公园中收集易拉罐、零食袋以及塑料瓶,然后跳起来用后腿把它们扔到垃圾桶中。
- 14. Colugos glide between trees using their patagium, or flaps of skin between their front and hind legs and extending to the tail and the neck.
- 鼯猴利用它们的翼膜在树之间滑翔,该翼膜是它们前后肢之间的片状悬垂物,延伸到尾巴和脖子。
- 15. Their streamlined bodies, the absence of hind legs, and the presence of a fluke and blowhole cannot disguise their affinities with land dwelling mammals.
- 它们的身体呈流线型,后肢完全消失,身体上长出了尾片和喷水孔,所有这些特征都无法掩饰它们与陆生哺乳动物之间的亲缘关系。
- 16. Many incomplete skeletons were found but they included, for the first time in an archaeocyte, a complete hind leg that features a foot with three tiny toes.
- 发现的残骸有许多都不完整,但还包含一条完整的后腿,足部有三个小脚趾,这是原始动物骨骼中的首例。
- 17. Whales and dolphins have been found with hind limbs; this rare occurrence is due to the reemergence of a trait they inherited from their terrestrial ancestors.
- 发现鲸和海豚身上有后肢;这种稀有的现象是由于它们在陆地上的祖先身上的特征再次被遗传。
- 18. The horse reared up on its hind legs.
- 那匹马后腿前立,站了起来。
- 19. Their skulls, pelvises, and hind feet are reptilian.
- 它们的头骨、骨盆和后脚属于爬行动物。
- 20. The Reindeer and the young hind leaped along beside them, and accompanied them to the boundary of the country.
- 驯鹿和小母鹿在他们身边蹦蹦跳跳地走着,陪着他们走到国土的边界。
- 21. Moreover, walruses and seals drive themselves through the water with thrusts of their hind flippers, but sea lions use their front flippers.
- 此外,海象和海豹用它们的后鳍推动自己在水中运动,而海狮用它们的前鳍。
- 22. When Oscar the cat lost both his hind paws in a farming accident, it was feared he'd have to trundle around in one of those wheeled-cat apparatuses.
- 当猫叔奥斯卡因一次农作事故失去两只后爪后,人们担心他恐怕得靠那种轮式装备滑来滑去了。
- 23. The first wrongly assumes that the pterosaurs' hind feet resembled a bat's and could serve as hooks by which the animal could hang in preparation for flight.
- 第一个(假设)错误地认为翼龙的后脚类似于蝙蝠的后脚,可以作为钩子,用来挂起来准备飞行。
- 24. Don't hind her in her studies.
- 不要在学业上扯她后腿。
- 25. The front leg first, then the hind.
- 先是前腿,然后是后腿。
- 26. Standing on their hind legs, they are about 2.5m tall.
- 它们用后腿站立时,高约2.5米。
- 27. The glands on its hind feet can secrete poisonous fluid.
- 它后脚上的腺体能分泌出毒液来。
- 28. The glands on its hind feet can secrete poisonous fluid.
- 它后脚上的腺体能分泌出毒液来。