- 1. We heard the high-spirited singing.
- 我们听到昂扬的歌声。
- 2. You look high-spirited.
- 你看起来精力充沛.
- 3. Who is not a responsibility of high-spirited?
- 谁说意气风发不是一种责任?
- 4. Today you look so very happy and high-spirited.
- 看你今天的样子春风满面、喜气洋洋。
- 5. Looking back on yesterday youth and boosting high-spirited.
- 回首昨日,青春激扬,斗志昂扬。
- 6. Our Foreign Languages School is high-spirited and promising.
- 外国语学院是一个充满朝气与活力的学院。
- 7. High-spirited and courageous, you are a fighter when your emotions are aroused.
- 昂扬向上,勇敢,你是一个当你的情感被激发出来的战斗机。
- 8. We are high-spirited in the middle school campus, students and their resonance can be desired but it all.
- 我们正意气风发的在初中的校园里读书,同学们和他们的共鸣是可想而之的。
- 9. It began to infiltrate other disciplines and was in general a high-spirited horse for that certain period of time.
- 它逐渐渗入到其它学科,总之是那个时代的一匹黑马。
- 10. So the final set of the sinking, holding the skull, naturally high-spirited original vaguely wrapped roll information.
- 于是最后捧定了那颗颅骨,昂昂然地裹卷起当初的依稀信息。
- 11. Twelve years on, Cathy has grown into a beautiful, high-spirited girl who has rarely passed outside the borders of the Grange.
- 十二年过去了,凯西长成了一个朝气蓬勃的漂亮女孩,她很少走出画眉山庄。
- 12. High-spirited, Time flies, I look to juvenile students in June Zhuifeng; their prime, Yun-Fan white make life beautiful eyes to the Ming Dynasty.
- 意气风发,时光如梭看我少年学子六月追风去;风华正茂,云帆直挂令那美丽人生明朝入眼来。
- 13. Now, new round go all out kill brewing, learn younger brother to learn younger sister people ground of high-spirited and vigorous moves toward battlefield.
- 现在,新一轮的拼杀正在酝酿,学弟学妹们意气风发地走向战场。
- 14. At that time high-spirited, young and fit, always think that love is only a matter of two people, each walking a high-profile and not heeding the eyes of others.
- 那时意气风发,年轻气盛,总以为爱情只是两个人的事情,每次高调地行走,完全不顾及他人的眼光。
- 15. The going-away car is often decorated by high-spirited friends with messages in lipstick and shaving foam, and tied about with balloons, tin cans, and old boots.
- 载有新人的轿车往往要被兴致勃勃的朋友们用口红和剃须泡沫涂上几句贺词,并挂上汽球、洋铁罐和旧靴子。
- 16. Consumers in the purchase or Jiezhuang process often encounter some disputes, and since that stands high-spirited heart, frequently called each other "courts see. ""
- 消费者在购房或家装过程中经常会遇到一些纠纷,由于自认为占理而心高气盛,动辄要求对方“法庭上见”。
- 17. In current large-scale and high-spirited urbanization, for the sustainable development of residents 'living environment, mountainous region has become more and more impotent.
- 在当前大规模高速度城市化进程中,对土地的利用开发已经接近饱和,山地成了亟待利用的土地资源。
- 18. After the news conference, the six crew disappeared, re-emerging an hour later by the entrance hatch to the mock spaceship, where they put on another high-spirited performance for the media.
- 新闻发布会之后,这6名机组人员便失踪,1小时后他们重新出现在模拟飞船的入口处,并在这里面对媒体又斗志昂扬地秀了一场。
- 19. The young college students should be a vibrant, high-spirited generation, why they have the weakness of depression, lack of hard work and great vision, and lack motivation to learn and so on.
- 青年大学生本应该是朝气蓬勃、意气风发的一代,为什么却意志消沉,缺乏吃苦耐劳精神及远大抱负,学习动力不足等弱点。
- 20. With the same high-spirited eagerness, and a flask full of local fire-water, he would run into taverns, caves, shepherd huts and gypsy camps, hungry to pick up the unknown language and join in.
- 带着如此强烈的求知欲,装了当地水的携带瓶,他会跑去酒馆、洞穴、牧羊人的家、吉普赛人的营地,求知若渴地学习当地的语言,并加入他们。
- 21. Recall at that time, there is a kind of say a passionate enthusiasm, sports meeting, I came to the high jump, athletes were spirited, energetic, full of confidence on her face.
- 回忆那时的情景,有一种说不出的激昂的热情,运动会上,我来到跳高架旁,运动员个个英姿飒爽,朝气蓬勃,脸上充满了自信。
- 22. Recall at that time, there is a kind of say a passionate enthusiasm, sports meeting, I came to the high jump, athletes were spirited, energetic, full of confidence on her face.
- 回忆那时的情景,有一种说不出的激昂的热情,运动会上,我来到跳高架旁,运动员个个英姿飒爽,朝气蓬勃,脸上充满了自信。