- 1. What are you getting so het up about?
- 什么事让你这么激动?
- 2. I want to het to know you better.
- 我想对你了解多一点。
- 3. Don't forget you het.
- 别忘记你的帽子。
- 4. We need not have got so het up about it.
- 我们没必要为这件事过于烦恼。
- 5. Is the mood bad to get depressed disease with het - up meeting?
- 心情不好和过度紧张会得抑郁症吗?
- 6. She got a lot of damages from the insurance after het husband died.
- 她丈夫死后她从保险公司得到了很多赔偿金。
- 7. You're about to start to feel a lot less het up about money, believe it or not.
- 不论你相信与否,你将不会为了金钱感到如此的烦恼了。
- 8. So we should het micro and macro countermeasures to perfect the hospital administrati…
- 所以要从宏观与微观上采取相应的对策,来完善医院科室核算。
- 9. Toen namen we een taxi naar het Olympic Park om het Vogelnest en Water Cube te bezoeken.
- 出了东宫门,我们打的直奔奥林匹克公园、赏鸟巢和水立方去了。
- 10. The biggest Flanders daily, Het Laatste Nieuws, has slammed di Rupo's dire pronunciation and syntax.
- 弗拉芒区最大的日报《最新消息》抨击了迪茹坡糟糕的弗拉芒语发音和语法。
- 11. So we should het micro and macro countermeasures to perfect the hospital administrative office accounting.
- 所以要从宏观与微观上采取相应的对策,来完善医院科室核算。
- 12. We have a saying. “Je gaat niet iets bouwen als je het ook op de achterkant van een sigarendoosje kunt bijhouden”.
- 我们有句话:“Jegaatnietietsbouwenals jehetookopde achterkantvaneen sigarendoosje kunt bijhouden”.
- 13. Objective:To assess the roles of single stranded conformation polymorphism(SSCP)and heteroduplex polymorphism(HET)in screening gene mutation.
- 目的:评价异源双链分析(HET)和单链构象多态性分析(SSCP)在基因突变检测中的作用。
- 14. Quaternized reactive formaldehyde-free color-fixing agent HET was synthesized, and its color fixation effect was tested for wool dyed with acid dye red g.
- 合成了一种季铵化反应性树脂无醛固色剂het,测定了该固色剂对羊毛织物经酸性红g染色后的固色效果。
- 15. He had worked as a consultant for Belgian newspaper Het Nieuwsblad at the World Championships in Mendrisio, hoping to get a contract with a team for 2010.
- 他曾担任顾问,比利时报纸新闻报举行的世界锦标赛门德里西奥,希望能够得到一份合同,与一个小组在2010年。
- 16. Four months later, Sneijder popped up in the Dutch newspaper Het Parool complaining that Van Persie had "broken agreements" and saying that he wanted to talk to him about it.
- 四个月之后,斯奈德突然出现在荷兰报纸HetParool上,抱怨范佩西“破坏了约定"。还说他曾想跟他谈谈这件事。”
- 17. Results: Touguling rubber were detected in the Mongolian Touguling rubber in the Fructus Spatholobus suberectus Dunn, Fructus Vicia amoema Fisch, Fructus Arisaema het-erophyllum BL.
- 结果:分别检出了蒙药透骨灵橡胶膏中的鸡血藤、透骨草、天南星。
- 18. The design study can be regarded as the theoretical basis of the absorber design and ca give the references for this kind of het and mass exchangers design, developing and application.
- 这项设计研究可作为板式膜反转降膜吸收器设计的理论依据,并为今后这类传热传质设备的工程设计、开发和应用提供一定的理论参考。
- 19. Briefing the background, tasks and measures of het center, this paper sets an example for universities to participate national technical renovation and to establish their own engineering center.
- 介绍了此中心成立的背景、任务、措施,为探讨大学参与国家的技术改造、办好工程中心作借鉴。
- 20. Briefing the background, tasks and measures of het center, this paper sets an example for universities to participate national technical renovation and to establish their own engineering center.
- 介绍了此中心成立的背景、任务、措施,为探讨大学参与国家的技术改造、办好工程中心作借鉴。