- 1. “2010 will likely stand as the peak year, ” thinks Mr Henchman.
- 汉契曼先生认为“过去的2010年很可能是这种行为的最高峰”。
- 2. The addlehead's henchman living in the woods with all those filthy beasts.
- 一个小头目,和一堆肮脏的怪兽住在树林里。
- 3. A henchman accidentally shot in the stomach gets a boozy month in the resort of mazatlan as compensation.
- 无意中肚子上挨了一枪的党羽得到了在度假胜地马萨特兰大醉一个月作为补偿。
- 4. She is a sombre, humourless monster although some of her henchman, especially one with two heads, give us a laugh.
- 她是一个阴沉而木讷的怪物,但她的随从怪物却逗得我们捧腹大笑,特别是那只双头怪物。
- 5. He was accused of ordering his victims to be dissolved in barrels of acid by his henchman, known as “the soup-maker”.
- 他被指控曾让手下把受害者放到装满酸水的桶里化掉,于是被称为“制汤师”。
- 6. Gary Daniels as the Brit, General Garza's main henchman and a former Expendable who wants to go to war and get revenge against the team for kicking him out.
- 加里·丹尼尔斯饰演英国佬,加尔扎将军的主要追随者,前敢死队员,已被开除,渴望在战斗中对敢死队进行复仇。
- 7. The emperor Qianlong's favourite He Shen sent his henchman Hushitu to the imperial palace for stealing him the architecture modules of Ning Shou Gong (Palace of Tranquility and Longevity).
- 乾隆帝宠臣和珅派心腹太监呼什图,潜入皇宫,偷偷携回宁寿宫烫样。
- 8. Main transmission device: the main transmission device adopts electrician frequency inverter of Shenzhen Henchman to control the vector motor, transferring each group of printing cylinders.
- 主传动机构:主传动采用深圳汇川变频器控制电机,传动每组印版。
- 9. Main transmission device: the main transmission device adopts electrician frequency inverter of Shenzhen Henchman to control the vector motor, transferring each group of printing cylinders.
- 主传动机构:主传动采用深圳汇川变频器控制电机,传动每组印版。