- 1. I went aft to take my turn at the helm.
- 我到船尾去接班掌舵。
- 2. Mr. Helm plans to assert that the bill violates the First Amendment.
- 赫尔姆先生计划坚定地陈述该法案有违《第一修正案》。
- 3. After more than a decade at the helm of Colorado State University, Albert C Yates today announced his retirement.
- 在掌管科罗拉多州立大学10多年后,阿尔伯特·叶慈于今天宣布退休。
- 4. Down [Up] with the helm!
- 转舵背[迎]风开!
- 5. And like Levon Helm, I had come to love it.
- 正如列翁。赫尔姆一样,我开始爱上了这种感受。
- 6. And the helm to a hand ever rigid and cold as death.
- 然而手里的驾驶盘永远像死亡那样僵硬、冰冷。
- 7. Ms Helm portrays her as an impressive and elusive woman.
- Helm女士将她描绘成一个令人印象深刻而又难以捉摸的女人。
- 8. Lobbying began over who should succeed him at the helm of the fund.
- 各方开始游说,以接手卡恩执舵的国际货币基金组织。
- 9. Often, even fellow Europeans scarcely notice who is at the helm.
- 通常来讲,连欧洲国家本身都很少会注意到究竟是谁在主执欧盟。
- 10. Yet now that "destiny" has put him at its helm, he feels a duty to act.
- 然而现在命运安排由他来掌管上议院,他认为有义务来管理。
- 11. REEVES: Helm is one of the few who knew Nearne's story before she died.
- 里夫斯:赫尔姆女士是一位为数不多的在尼尔内身前就知晓其故事的人。
- 12. Qaddafi is Libya and a Libya without him at the helm is unimaginable to him.
- 卡扎菲就是利比亚,对他而言,利比亚没他掌舵是不可思议的。
- 13. Thankfully that has now been corrected, with Larry Page returning to the helm.
- 幸好随着拉里·佩奇重任ceo,这种情况已经被纠正过来了。
- 14. In 1987 Mr Poulsen took the helm at Vestas, then a small Danish firm with 60 employees.
- 1987年Poulsen开始执掌Vestas公司,当时这家公司还只是一个有60名员工的丹麦小企业。
- 15. But for the most part, during his 42 years at the helm of Libya, he has been crazy like a fox.
- 但在其42年掌舵利比亚的生涯中,大部分时候他都更像一条疯狂的狐狸。
- 16. We even have Ben Bernanke, a scholar of the Depression, at the helm of the US Federal Reserve.
- 我们甚至拥有专门研究大萧条的学者本•伯南克(Ben Bernanke)执掌美联储(Fed)。
- 17. When he took over the helm in September 2008, the NAACP had been in turmoil for several years.
- 当他2008年9月接手舵盘之时,协进会已飘摇动荡了多年。
- 18. Many companies are scrapping the posts as new CEOs, many of them promoted COOs, take the helm.
- 许多公司在新的首席执行长就任后都在取消首席营运长和总裁职位,这些新首席执行长许多都是从首席营运长提上来的。
- 19. I know that with you at the helm, I won't need to worry about returning to a derelict business.
- 我确信由你在这里掌舵,我就不用担心在此期间业务被荒废。
- 20. Ms Helm, a British journalist, brings her training into play when meeting survivors and descendants.
- Helm女士是一名英国记者,她在同幸存者及后代会面发挥了记者的特点。
- 21. Corzine was widely viewed as attempting to revive his Wall Street career by taking the helm at MF Global.
- 外界普遍认为,乔恩•柯赛当年之所以愿意出任明富环球的掌门人,是为了在华尔街重振雄风。
- 22. An ignorant and untrained person at the helm of a ship would endanger vessel, cargo, crew, and passengers alike.
- 由无知的外行人掌舵会危及船只、货物、船员和乘客。
- 23. Reason was at the helm, and, particularly niggling, travellers to the East had reported no Eden to be found.
- 其原因是决定性的但又是那么得微不足道,即到东方的旅行者报告说他们没有发现伊甸园。
- 24. Reason was at the helm, and, particularly niggling, travellers to the East had reported no Eden to be found.
- 其原因是决定性的但又是那么得微不足道,即到东方的旅行者报告说他们没有发现伊甸园。