- 1. The man did one helluva job.
- 这个家伙干得真棒。
- 2. That's one helluva big house you've got.
- 你的房子真是大极了。
- 3. It taught me a helluva lot about myself.
- 这让我对自己得到了很多的了解。
- 4. Saturday night's fight is going to be a helluva fight.
- 在星期六的夜晚进行的比赛,将是一场伟大的比赛。
- 5. His comrades they were heard to say, WHAT A helluva way to die.
- 他的同袍听到后说“一个混帐死法”。
- 6. This is a helluva card for a comeback fight, if you know what I mean.
- 这对一场回归赛来说是一场极好的垫场赛,如果你理解我的意思的话。
- 7. Even in the pantheon of Sichuan cuisine, this is one helluva spicy dish.
- 即使在万神庙的川菜,这也算是极度辛辣的菜。
- 8. A nose like a Blue Tick, a medulla with an antenna and a helluva lot of coffee.
- 要鼻子灵敏,脑袋长出天线。还要喝很多咖啡才行。
- 9. If you have listened to Bjork's songs, you would know Iceland is one helluva place to visit.
- 如果你有听过比约克的歌曲,你会知道冰岛是一个宏大的地方访问。
- 10. It's been a helluva year - a helluva life so far, really - and it's going to take me awhile, I think, to figure out the rest of the journey.
- 这是一段艰难的日子,甚至可以说是至今为止最难的一年,真的。它让我需要花一点时间来想想,未来要怎么继续。
- 11. Miniature fuel cells can last a helluva long time (30 days without recharging on a phone) but no one has quite figured out how to effectively build 'em.
- 微型燃料电池可以维持供能相当长的时间(在手机中可以30天不充电)但是目前人们还没有找出如何有效生产燃料电池的方法。
- 12. As a man who has worked hard and been careful to arrive where he is in life, he had a helluva lot more to lose than Brockovich who is acting out of necessity.
- 作为一个兢兢业业,小心营生的人,他的命运更加坎坷,比因为需要而工作的克劳·维奇失去的还多。
- 13. As a man who has worked hard and been careful to arrive where he is in life, he had a helluva lot more to lose than Brockovich who is acting out of necessity.
- 作为一个兢兢业业,小心营生的人,他的命运更加坎坷,比因为需要而工作的克劳·维奇失去的还多。