- 1. Perhaps we should ask: culture can change the geometry hegemonic power?
- 或许我们应该问一问:民族文化能使霸权力量改变几何?
- 2. No other part of the world has enjoyed the same level of continuous hegemonic concern.
- 世界上没有其他地区,享有同等级别的,持续的霸权关注。
- 3. With the end of the Cold War, American hegemonic balance of power is more vulnerable.
- 冷战后美国的霸权均势更为脆弱。
- 4. Yet the Americans were reluctant to take on Britain's hegemonic role in global finance.
- 但美国不愿承担英国在全球金融中的霸主角色。
- 5. The hegemonic culture gradually becomes "voiceless" with the challenges posed by minor discursive texts.
- 霸权文化受到了来自少数话语文本的挑战。
- 6. There seems to be a contradiction in the association between McDonald's advertising and hegemonic power.
- 将麦当劳和霸权联系起来似乎很矛盾。
- 7. Today, the United States is the hegemonic superpower of the world, and China is the rising economic giant.
- 今天,美国是这个世界支配性的强权,中国是正在崛起的经济巨人。
- 8. Remember, Japan was the second largest economy in the world for decades and I didn't see any kind of grand, hegemonic design.
- 别忘了,虽然日本成为世界第二大经济体已经数十年,我并没有看到任何一种宏大的、支配性的设计。
- 9. Thus, the establishment of international institutions always gets into collective action dilemma under the non-hegemonic system.
- 这样,在非霸权体系下国际制度的创建便陷入集体行动困境。
- 10. History has shown that if a country's national prestige skyrockets, it can free itself from a conflict with an existing hegemonic power.
- 历史已经表明,如果一个国家的威望高涨,它就可以摆脱与一个现存霸权国家的冲突。
- 11. There are moments - moments of crisis for the hegemonic discourse - when one should take the risk of provoking the disintegration of appearances.
- 存在这样的时刻——对霸权话语来说的危机时刻——这个时候,人们必须承担使表象崩解的风险。
- 12. Owing to the rise and fall of powers and new changes in international security, there emerges the poverty of the theory of hegemonic cycles.
- 由于大国力量的兴衰和国际安全形势的新变化,霸权周期论出现了贫困。
- 13. Globally the United States will not enjoy the hegemonic position it has occupied until now, something underscored by Russia's Aug. 7 invasion of Georgia.
- 从世界范围来讲,美国将不会享受现在她所享有的霸权位置从8月7日俄罗斯侵入格鲁吉亚就可初见端倪。
- 14. Supranational interference economy has two models, that is, hegemonic interference economy model and international interference economic mechanism model.
- 超国家干预经济有霸权干预经济和国际经济机制干预两种模式。
- 15. Would like the United States to live up to the responsibilities of its hegemonic power because it is not going to give up its hegemonic power, "he says." the?
- 他说:“我希望美国能够承担起作为霸权国家的职责,因为美国不会放弃自己的霸权地位。”
- 16. Such a situation can be interpreted in different ways according to the theories of interdependence on the one hand and the paradigm of hegemonic stability on the other.
- 上述国家以各种方式相互联系着。这种情况可以按相互依存理论或者是霸权稳定论来解释。
- 17. In this regard, this paper assumes that the establishment of international institution will experience the the process of vulnerability game in the non-hegemonic system.
- 就此问题,本文提出假设:在非霸权体系下,国际制度将经历脆弱性博弈的过程。
- 18. Based on the establishment of the hegemonic order and the ways of its maintenance, hegemony can be classified into two historical patterns: power hegemony and regime hegemony.
- 从霸权秩序的建立和维持方式的角度来看,霸权可分为权力霸权和制度霸权两种历史形态,当前美国的全球霸权就主要是一种制度霸权。
- 19. Based on the establishment of the hegemonic order and the ways of its maintenance, hegemony can be classified into two historical patterns: power hegemony and regime hegemony.
- 从霸权秩序的建立和维持方式的角度来看,霸权可分为权力霸权和制度霸权两种历史形态,当前美国的全球霸权就主要是一种制度霸权。