- 1. He is the headman of school basket ball team.
- 他是学校篮球队的队长。
- 2. The headman of the gypsies, cowed and nervous, was apparently trying to offer explanations.
- 领头的吉普赛人显然被吓坏了,正在紧张地试图解释。
- 3. Those measures can basically keep away interior-risk, though there is no formal surveillance to its headman.
- 这些措施能够在很大程度上防范内部风险的产生,但目前仍缺乏对会首的正式监督机制;
- 4. Need to know his this one get married, much three people eat, the difficult task living may let his headman press on lower only.
- 要知道他这一结婚,就多了三个人吃饭,生活重担只会让他把头压得更低。
- 5. Ring headman horse to tightly pucker up eyebrows, flying the body ambition work to save a person, but at this moment where in period!
- 响马头子紧紧皱起眉头,飞身就要过去救人,可是此时此刻哪里来得及!
- 6. LIDAYING VILLAGE, China - Five men on battered motorcycles pulled up at this roadside village from a nearby town and summoned the local headman .
- 从附近镇里来的五个人把自己的旧摩托停在村子路边,唤来村长。
- 7. Their job was difficult, frustrating, and sometimes dangerous; in many communities, the system grew moribund because no one wanted to serve as headman.
- 他们的工作困难重重,饱受阻力,有时还有危险;在许多地方,没有人愿意出任保甲长,保甲制度已形同虚设。
- 8. While this overjoyed young man is embracing his beloved Tana in his arms, Headman Tratra's son returns for revenge and stabs Maichi's elder son to death.
- 大儿子欣喜若狂,正当他与塔娜苟 且之际,前来复仇的渣渣头人儿子一刀将大少爷刺死。
- 9. Tank is imported from Japan by Headman with a height of 23 centimeters. Its fur is carmine and thick and its bodily form is square which is rare in China.
- 哈道盟引进于日本的优秀种公,身高23公分,毛色深红,毛量大,体态方正,是国内不可多得的名犬。
- 10. Tank is imported from Japan by Headman with a height of 23 centimeters. Its fur is carmine and thick and its bodily form is square which is rare in China.
- 哈道盟引进于日本的优秀种公,身高23公分,毛色深红,毛量大,体态方正,是国内不可多得的名犬。