- 1. If nothing else, Doug is a hard-nosed businessman.
- 别的不说,道格起码是个精明务实的商人。
- 2. Some people are said to be hard-nosed.
- 某些人被认为顽强。
- 3. We all like John; he plays hard-nosed football.
- 我们都喜欢约翰,他踢起球来作风顽强勇猛。
- 4. Dates become a series of business negotiations, often hard-nosed.
- 约会成为一系列商务谈判,常常就像讨价还价。
- 5. The new hard-nosed management style is unpopular amongst employees.
- 这个新实行的固执生硬的管理风格在雇员中非常不得人心。
- 6. My uncle was a hard-nosed army officer who had seen service in two wars.
- 我叔叔是位严格而又倔强的军医,他曾身经两次大战。
- 7. The second News Corporation is strategic and hard-nosed, bordering on stingy.
- 第二个新闻集团讲究战略、注重实际,近乎吝啬。
- 8. How tough is it, for example, to engineer romance wearing a knitted tie in a hard-nosed newsroom?
- 有多困难?举个例子,如何在讲究实际的新闻办公室里策划一场罗曼史?
- 9. To avoid such pitfalls, Pepperberg designs experiments with the care of a hard-nosed skeptic.
- 为了避免这样的错误,佩珀堡以一个固执的怀疑论者的认真来设计实验。
- 10. Some people are said to be hard-nosed . They will not change their opinions or positions on anything.
- 有些人据说很顽固,他们不会改变自己对任何事情的观点和立场。
- 11. I say he’s a tough, hard-nosed type of guy who played with every inch of his body physically and mentally.
- 我想说他是一个坚韧,实用型球员,他会用他的身体和智力与你对决。
- 12. Partly because he is surrounded by hard-nosed strategists, such as David Axelrod, who excel at campaigning.
- 一方面,因为他身边是一些顽固的战略家,比如精于选战的大卫•阿克塞罗德。
- 13. They know this is the glory of God the deficit, but still his heart as a hard-nosed, do not want to repent.
- 明明自己知道这样做实在的亏缺神的荣耀,自己却还是一次次心如铁石一样,不想悔改。
- 14. A day later the Bank of England abandoned its hard-nosed attitude to greasing the money markets (see article).
- 在降息后那一天,英国中央银行抛弃其顽固派立场,给货币市场加了点油(见文)。
- 15. It would be nice to report that a small band of hard-nosed Republicans was bringing fiscal restraint to California.
- 如果报道说,一小帮顽固的共和党人在给加州制定一个紧缩支出财政,那是好事。
- 16. Rather than being a hard-nosed venture capitalist, he is more like a financial father-figure to young entrepreneurs.
- 对于年轻企业家而言,他更像一个理财父亲,而不是精明的风险投资者。
- 17. Still, as Dr Zyphur is keen to note, not all academic work has to be about hard-nosed application in the here and now.
- 还有,正如zyphur博士热心提醒的那样,不是所有的学术性研究即刻就要与精明的实际应用有联系。
- 18. The hard-nosed attitude of Ms. Ma, the BMW woman, earned her a gentle reprimand recently from the film director Zhang Yimou.
- 马小姐,这位宝马女精明的态度,为她赢得了电影导演张艺谋一个轻轻地谴责。
- 19. If Terra Firma can't manage to muster empathy from a mostly working-class jury, he is unlikely to get it from hard-nosed investors.
- 如果泰丰资本不能设法唤起陪审团(大部分是劳工阶层)的同情,那么它更不可能从精明的投资者那里得到同情。
- 20. Not only is she beautiful, she's also a talented, hard-nosed reporter who will stop at nothing to get to the bottom of a story.
- 她不仅美貌,而且还是个有才干,顽强不曲的记者,什么也不能阻止她揭露事情的真相。
- 21. Sure, in their Mr Spock mode traders scour the horizon for hard-nosed data, read their analysts’ reports and digest breaking news.
- 当然,交易员有时表现得像《星际迷航》中的史巴克,无远弗届地搜寻客观的数据,阅读分析师的报告,研判突发新闻。
- 22. [color=#444444]Still, as Dr Zyphur is keen to note, not all academic work has to be about hard-nosed application in the here and now.
- [color=#444444]同时,塞弗博士也热心指出,并非所有的学术研究必须被用于当时当处的精确应用。
- 23. This hard-nosed approach irritated some foreign athletes, who had less chance to practise at the facilities than did their Canadian rivals.
- 温哥华冬奥会上一板一眼的赛制模式,加上加拿大本国选手比他国选手训练机会更多,这让国外的选手十分愤怒。
- 24. A hard-nosed police detective and a conflicted ex-boxer-turned-private-eye, hired by the strip club owners, set out to find him before he strikes again.
- 一个精明的警察侦探和冲突的前拳击手把私人眼,由长条俱乐部业主聘请,去之前,他再次找到他。
- 25. Their policy mixed hard-nosed security operations and an extensive deradicalisation programme in the prisons with social measures for the families of militants.
- 不仅其监牢中融合有强大的安全举动与广泛的反激进举措,针对军事家族也施行了一些社会措施。
- 26. Monsanto, a hard-nosed pioneer of transgenic crops, is donating its drought-resistant technology to a coalition called Water Efficient Maize for Africa, for example.
- 比如,孟山都公司-顽固的转基因作物的先驱-正把其抗旱技术转让给名为非洲节水玉米的联合公司。
- 27. In addition, Apple's hard-nosed stance against Flash in the browser will impede this movement because it will require two completely separate creation processes.
- 此外,苹果反对在浏览器中使用Flash的强硬立场也是一个巨大障碍,因为需要两个完全不同的创建过程。
- 28. What about Israel, a country that (in matters aquatic, as in much else) views itself as eternally vulnerable while its neighbours often regard it as a hard-nosed bully?
- 又如何来看待以色列呢?正像处理其他事务那样,这个国家在水资源问题上时常视自己为容易遭受欺凌的弱者,而邻居们则把它看做是一个极难对付并蛮横无理的对手。
- 29. Yet since 2007 French diplomats have worked under the strain of an unresolved conflict between Mr Kouchner's moral pretensions and Mr Sarkozy's hands-on, hard-nosed style.
- 然而2007年以后,库什内的道德抱负和萨科奇的务实风格争论悬而未决,法国外交家们在他俩的分歧中一直处于紧张状态。
- 30. Yet since 2007 French diplomats have worked under the strain of an unresolved conflict between Mr Kouchner's moral pretensions and Mr Sarkozy's hands-on, hard-nosed style.
- 然而2007年以后,库什内的道德抱负和萨科奇的务实风格争论悬而未决,法国外交家们在他俩的分歧中一直处于紧张状态。