- 1. He faced execution by hanging for murder.
- 他因谋杀要以绞刑处死。
- 2. Both these facts strengthen the case against hanging.
- 这两大事实都是反对绞刑的充实理由。
- 3. I found his jacket, which was hanging up in the hallway.
- 我找到了他的夹克,它就挂在门厅里。
- 4. There were several expensive suits hanging in the wardrobe.
- 衣柜里挂着几套昂贵的衣服。
- 5. The caretaker, a bundle of keys hanging from his belt, was standing at the door.
- 这位管理员正站在门口,腰带上挂着一串钥匙。
- 6. It's hanging on all the trees.
- 挂满在所有的树上。
- 7. There is a cord hanging from it.
- 有根绳子挂在它上面。
- 8. It's hanging near the door.
- 就挂在门的附近。
- 9. She is hanging the clothes.
- 她正在挂衣服。
- 10. They're hanging people from trees!
- 他们正把人挂在树上!
- 11. It is a hanging matter.
- 这是一个悬而未决的问题。
- 12. The moon will just keep hanging round.
- 月亮还是会一直挂着。
- 13. The dog's tongue was hanging out.
- 狗的舌头耷拉在外面。
- 14. There was a lamp hanging over the table.
- 桌子上方吊着一盏灯。
- 15. There were icicles hanging from the eaves.
- 屋檐下挂着冰柱。
- 16. The key is hanging on a string by the door.
- 钥匙拴在门边的带子上。
- 17. A bunch of kids were hanging around outside.
- 一群年轻人在外面到处游逛。
- 18. Some teenagers were hanging out at the mall.
- 有些青少年在购物广场里闲逛。
- 19. His breath was hanging in the air before him.
- 他呼出的水汽悬浮在他面前的空气中。
- 20. She snipped at the loose threads hanging down.
- 她把垂下来的线头剪掉。
- 21. He still has a cloud of suspicion hanging over him.
- 大家仍然在怀疑他。
- 22. Stand reasonably erect, your arms hanging naturally.
- 尽可能站直,双臂自然下垂。
- 23. Hanging from his right wrist is a heavy gold bracelet.
- 从他的右腕上垂下的是一只沉甸甸的金手镯。
- 24. She would spend the day hanging around street corners.
- 她常一整天在街头的各个角落闲逛。
- 25. I'm just going to be hanging around twiddling my thumbs.
- 我正要无所事事地旋弄拇指。
- 26. She had committed suicide by hanging herself from a beam.
- 她悬梁自尽了。
- 27. She was conscious of a second man hanging on to the rail.
- 她觉察到另一名男子正紧紧抓住栏杆不放。
- 28. The possibility of a court case is still hanging over her.
- 可能被告上法庭的阴影依然笼罩在她的心头。
- 29. He was still hanging around, swigging the Coke out of the can.
- 他依然在闲逛着,拿着一罐可乐大口大口地喝着。
- 30. There were some really strange characters hanging around the bar.
- 有些不三不四的人在酒吧周围游荡。