- 1. We suspect that there will be all sorts of self-justifying guff from them.
- 我们怀疑他们会带来各种各样的自我辩解。
- 2. Don't let them give you any guff.
- 别让他们跟你瞎废话。
- 3. We gonna get any guff from the hotel staff?
- 我们从那酒店的人那得到什么消息没有?
- 4. Don't listen to their guff about wanting to see you again.
- 别听他们的什么希望再见到你的鬼话。
- 5. Management tracts with famous names in the titles are mostly guff.
- 把管理者说成是电影中的著名人物的说法几乎是瞎扯。
- 6. "Now she doesn't take guff from anyone," says Mark with a smile. "it's pretty cool."
- “现在她根本不需要别人帮她,”马克打趣着说,“还挺酷的呢。”
- 7. According to Bowser, Williams "took no guff" from Almond or Almond's chief of staff.
- 按鲍尔斯的说法,威廉姆斯根本不与阿蒙德及阿蒙德的参谋长“瞎扯蛋”。
- 8. Should if say wife communicative can be misliked? Guff not so say, Christmas Day is happy!
- 如果说太多话应该会被嫌吧?废话不多说,圣诞节快乐!
- 9. Tragicomically, the study found that bosses often believe their own guff, even if their underlings do not.
- 令人哭笑不得的是,调查显示,不管下属们信不信老板说的废话,反正老板们自己信了。
- 10. Instead, I was enraged by the transparently ludicrous guff promising me "a planned overdraft to meet your needs".
- 相反,它许诺给我的是“满足您需求的有计划透支”——这种明显的无稽之谈把我激怒了。
- 11. That said, some in Washington might buy the guff about the deal "strengthen [ing] the international competitive position of the US."
- 话虽如此,有些人可能会相信这笔交易“加强了正加强美国的国际竞争地位。”
- 12. Google is a good example of this. Its "goodness" stems less from all that guff about corporate altruism than from Adam Smith's invisible hand.
- 谷歌就是一个很好的例子,其“善行”不是来自公司的利他主义,而更多的源自亚当·斯密的看不见的手。
- 13. Coming from most companies such speculations would be dismissed as guff. But in time India's IT firms will surely invent new products and markets.
- 对大多数公司来说,这样的猜测也许会被一笑而过,而对于印度的IT企业来说,总有一天会开发出新的产品,打开新的市场。
- 14. I still thought the young woman was in danger and urged her to get away but she stayed close by and continued to take guff from him, though less physical stuff.
- 但是我仍然觉得那名年轻女子会有危险,所以我催促她赶紧离开。但是她去仍然紧紧地呆在男子身边,继续听他的责骂,虽然该男子已经没有怎么对她动手动脚了。
- 15. Here also, Nottingham has the usual guff - a boutique here, a vintage clothes shop there - and a building which impressively avoids contemporary cliches without being entirely successful.
- 这里也有诺丁汉通常废话-精品在这里,一个老式的衣服店有-一个令人印象深刻的建筑,避免未经完全成功的当代陈词滥调。
- 16. Truest of all are mathematical truths, and it is therefore upsetting to see them being pilfered shamelessly by innumerate managers eager to lend an aura of fact to what is usually a glob of guff.
- 但最真实的莫过于数学真理,因此当我看到数学盲经理人们无耻地盗用数学真理,渴望为一些无聊的废话披上真理的外衣时,我就会感到心烦意乱。
- 17. Truest of all are mathematical truths, and it is therefore upsetting to see them being pilfered shamelessly by innumerate managers eager to lend an aura of fact to what is usually a glob of guff.
- 但最真实的莫过于数学真理,因此当我看到数学盲经理人们无耻地盗用数学真理,渴望为一些无聊的废话披上真理的外衣时,我就会感到心烦意乱。