- 1. He's a man with a grudge.
- 他是一个心怀怨恨的人。
- 2. He has a grudge against the world.
- 他对社会心存不满。
- 3. I grudge having to pay so much tax.
- 得付这么多的税我很不情愿。
- 4. I bear him no grudge.
- 我对他不怀任何积怨。
- 5. You surely don't grudge her her success?
- 她获得成功,你没有不以为然吧?
- 6. He's borne me a grudge ever since that day.
- 从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。
- 7. He's borne a grudge against me ever since that day.
- 从那一天起他便对我怀恨在心。
- 8. He appears to have a grudge against certain players.
- 他好像对某些选手有积怨。
- 9. The arsonist may harbour a grudge against the company.
- 纵火犯可能对公司怀恨在心。
- 10. This is something of a grudge match against a long-term enemy.
- 这是场与宿敌间的了结恩怨的竞赛。
- 11. He might have been murdered by a former client or someone harbouring a grudge.
- 他可能是被一个前委托人或某个怀有积怨的人谋杀了。
- 12. He had one last triumph, which I think we need not grudge him.
- 他还有最后一次胜利,我想我们不必嫉妒他。
- 13. A grudge has not yet vanished.
- 嫌怨未消。
- 14. He still bore a grudge against her.
- 他对她有不满情绪。
- 15. He is not the kind of person to bear anyone a grudge.
- 他不是那种爱记仇的人。
- 16. Can we truly let go of the grudge?
- 我们能否真正的不再怨恨?
- 17. So I never grudge my love.
- 所以,我从不吝惜我的爱。
- 18. But I recently dropped the grudge.
- 但最近斗气有所下降。
- 19. There was no hint of historical grudge.
- 往日的历史积怨无影无踪。
- 20. Steve Jobs is legendary for his grudge matches.
- 斯蒂芬·乔布斯在对抗场上是个传奇人物。
- 21. If I hold a grudge because I'm angry, I feel strong.
- 如果我有怨恨,是因为我生气,我感觉很气愤。
- 22. She will grudge a penny even to the poor beggar.
- 她连给最穷的乞丐一个便士都舍不得。
- 23. His grandfather was always one to hold a grudge.
- 他祖父总是对别人的错耿耿于怀。
- 24. An employee might have a grudge against the company.
- 雇员可能对公司有攻击动机。
- 25. She never mentioned any grudge and really respected him.
- 对他没有半句怨言,真的很尊敬他。
- 26. She could hold a grudge against anyone who betrayed her trust.
- 如果任何人辜负了她的信任,她会怨恨的。
- 27. There is no negative vibe bigger than holding a grudge in our hearts.
- 没有什么负面的心态能大于我们心中的怨恨。
- 28. I feel that if this doesn't happen this situation will lead to discord and grudge.
- 我想如果不对你进行批评,将会导致不和以及怨恨。
- 29. Never let an argument last, never hold a grudge, it will make your heart heavy.
- 决不让争吵持续,绝不要心怀怨恨,它会让你的心不堪负重。
- 30. Never let an argument last, never hold a grudge, it will make your heart heavy.
- 决不让争吵持续,绝不要心怀怨恨,它会让你的心不堪负重。