- 1. There is a kind of goofiness at the center of it—"God is Pooh Bear."
- 在它中间有一句疯癫的句子——“上帝是小熊维尼。”
- 2. Mr. Rogen, who wrote the screenplay with Evan Goldberg, his collaborator on “Superbad,” is slimmer than he was in “Knocked Up” but, if anything, more manic in his goofiness.
- 剧本由罗根和埃文高伯共同撰写(他们是老搭档,曾在影片《男孩儿不坏》中有过合作)。 罗根比他出演《男孩儿不坏》时瘦了很多,不过表演上更疯癫了。
- 3. Mr. Rogen, who wrote the screenplay with Evan Goldberg, his collaborator on “Superbad,” is slimmer than he was in “Knocked Up” but, if anything, more manic in his goofiness.
- 剧本由罗根和埃文高伯共同撰写(他们是老搭档,曾在影片《男孩儿不坏》中有过合作)。 罗根比他出演《男孩儿不坏》时瘦了很多,不过表演上更疯癫了。