- 1. When he asked questions, the answers came back in Wall Street gobbledygook.
- 每当他提出问题,得到的都是华尔街天书般的回答。
- 2. It's just a bunch of gobbledygook symbols.
- 它只是一堆令人费解的符号。
- 3. If this sounds like gobbledygook, it kind of is.
- 这听起来确实有点像是官样文章。
- 4. Of course, those words are gobbledygook on the whole.
- 这些话当然是官样文章。
- 5. Which brings you to the files with the hex digit gobbledygook names.
- 配有十六进制数字冗长名称的文件带给您什么内容。
- 6. They must have a full-time staff to dream up all this gobbledygook.
- 他们当时一定是有一个专门炮制这类官样文章的人员班底。
- 7. They must have a full - time staff to dream up all this gobbledygook.
- 他们当时一定是有一个专门炮制这类官样文章的人员班底。
- 8. BBC comedy, "W1A", sends up blame-shifting managers and corporate gobbledygook at the nation's broadcaster.
- BBC的一台喜剧节目“W1A”将国家广播电台中善于推卸责任的管理者以及该组织内的官样文章披露给民众。
- 9. But Humpty Dumpty used words in an odd way, and that made him a master of gobbledygook, not a master of language.
- 矮座椅沙发以一种奇怪的方式来使用词汇,这使它成为一个“官样文章”大师,而不是语言大师。
- 10. She adds: "What if 'research paper' is a category that invites, even requires, linguistic and syntactic gobbledygook?"
- 她补充道:“如果所谓的“研究论文”其实是邀请,甚至要求,使用令人费解的语言和语法的写作分类?”
- 11. The Stern book may be careful to avoid academic gobbledygook and complex equations, but it cannot be described as a light read.
- 这本书可能小心的刻意避免学院派的官样文章和复杂的方程序,但也不能将它说成消遣读物。
- 12. “It was like, ‘Let’s parody the gobbledygook’ — because honestly, that movie — all those explanations, and explanations of explanations, ” Mr. Stone said.
- “当时的想法就是,‘让我们模仿一下这个令人费解的东西吧’——因为老实说,整部电影,包括那些解读,还有对于这些解读的解读,都是如此。”斯通说。
- 13. Unfortunately, many people use gobbledygook because they want to seem more important than they are, or because they don't really want people to understand what they mean or what they are doing.
- 不幸的是,许多人使用官样文章,是因为他们想让自己显得比实际更重要,或者是因为他们不想让人们了解他们的真正意图和他们的所作所为。
- 14. That's because by taking Chrysler private there will be no more quarterly reports no more earnings guidance no more Wall Street pressure and especially none of that sarbanes-oxley gobbledygook.
- 那是因为克莱斯勒变为私有企业后,就不需要那么多的季度报告、盈利指导、华尔街的压力和官样文章。
- 15. That's because by taking Chrysler private there will be no more quarterly reports, no more earnings guidance, no more Wall Street pressure, and especially none of that Sarbanes-Oxley gobbledygook.
- 那是因为克莱斯勒变为私有企业后,就不需要那么多的季度报告、盈利指导、华尔街的压力和官样文章。
- 16. If a picture is worth a thousand words a digital camera is worth10000pages of jargon double-talk and indecipherable optical gobbledygook as you'll quickly discover when you start shopping for one.
- 如果一张照片抵得上一千字,那么当你开始选购一架数码相机时,你很快会发现:一架数码相机简直就相当于一万页行话连篇、晦涩难懂的光学官样文章。
- 17. If a picture is worth a thousand words a digital camera is worth10000pages of jargon double-talk and indecipherable optical gobbledygook as you'll quickly discover when you start shopping for one.
- 如果一张照片抵得上一千字,那么当你开始选购一架数码相机时,你很快会发现:一架数码相机简直就相当于一万页行话连篇、晦涩难懂的光学官样文章。