- 1. Harrison had a glorious career spanning more than six decades.
- 哈里森有过一段长达六十余年的辉煌的职业生涯。
- 2. The award of the Nobel Prize has crowned a glorious career in physics.
- 荣获诺贝尔奖使其物理学研究的辉煌事业达到了顶点。
- 3. Any change can be glorious.
- 任何变化都可以是辉煌的。
- 4. It represents the nation's glorious past.
- 它代表了这个国家光荣的过去。
- 5. He is deeply moved by their glorious deeds.
- 他们的光荣事迹使他深受感动。
- 6. The story is set in the British Glorious Revolution.
- 故事发生的背景是英国光荣革命时期。
- 7. I am Loki, from Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.
- 我是从阿斯加德神域来的洛基,我肩负光荣的使命。
- 8. "I would fain know if I am destined for so glorious a career," cried the Tree, rejoicing.
- “也许某一天我也注定要做一件这样光荣的事情!”枞树高兴地叫道。
- 9. We are now engaged in a great and most glorious cause, never undertaken by our forefathers.
- 我们正在做我们的前人从来没有做过的极其光荣伟大的事业。
- 10. The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games is considered one of the most glorious pages in our country's history.
- 2008年北京奥运会被视为我国历史上光辉的一页。
- 11. He wanted all to lie in an ecstasy of peace; I wanted all to sparkle and dance in a glorious jubilee.
- 他希望一切都处在一种宁静的狂喜之中;我想让一切都在辉煌的庆典中闪闪发光,翩翩起舞。
- 12. They had three weeks of glorious sunshine.
- 他们度过了三周阳光灿烂的日子。
- 13. The rooms were painted in glorious technicolour.
- 这些房间被粉刷得绚丽多彩。
- 14. In this living room we've mixed glorious floral prints.
- 在这客厅里我们将各种漂亮的花卉图案搭配在了一起。
- 15. She had missed the glorious blooms of the desert spring.
- 她错过了沙漠春天的繁花美景。
- 16. The animal kingdom is full of fine and glorious creatures.
- 动物界有很多精巧而美妙的生物。
- 17. I don't think it was as glorious as everybody made it out to be.
- 我认为这不像大家说的那样了不起。
- 18. The win revived glorious memories of his championship-winning days.
- 这次获胜勾起了他对那些夺冠岁月的美好记忆。
- 19. I was seeing it all in glorious technicolor: mountains, valleys, lakes, summer sunshine.
- 我所看见的一切--大山、山谷、湖泊和夏日的阳光全是绚丽多彩的。
- 20. The smeared colours looked glorious, like rich, thick frosting on a cake.
- 涂抹的颜色看起来绚丽多彩,就像蛋糕上厚厚的糖霜。
- 21. Oh, prithee, say no more, 'tis glorious!
- 啊,请你不要再说了,真是太愉快了!
- 22. A glorious well-oiled angel rides on a winged unicorn.
- 一位光彩照人的天使骑着一只有翼的独角兽。
- 23. He overlooked it in his haste to tell the glorious tidings.
- 他急忙讲这个极好的消息时,以致于忽略了它。
- 24. We have been searching the world's best and most glorious beach walks.
- 我们一直在寻找世界上最好、最壮观的海滩漫步之地。
- 25. He tilted up the pot, and a glorious stream of hot rich stew gurgled into the plate.
- 他把锅倾斜起来,一股热腾腾的浓汤汩汩地流进了盘子。
- 26. The grandfather also returned from a walk, on which he had gathered a glorious bunch of deep-blue gentians.
- 爷爷也散步回来了,他采回了一大把深蓝色的龙胆草。
- 27. One artist describes them as "the glorious, technicolor-dream-coat room where rocking horse people eat marshmallow pies".
- 一位艺术家把它们描述成“摇马人在华丽的、色彩绚丽的、梦幻的大衣房吃棉花糖派”。
- 28. Another week of glorious golf has ended in Stornoway.
- 又一个辉煌的高尔夫球周在斯托诺威结束了。
- 29. It is a glorious thing to die for the people.
- 为人民而死,虽死犹荣!
- 30. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony is a glorious piece of music.
- 贝多芬的第九交响曲是壮丽的音乐篇章。