- 1. You have to love the idea of Get-Rich-Quick gurus.
- 你就得热爱的想法,快速致富的权威。
- 2. Ponzi's mind was a small factory for cranking out get-rich-quick schemes.
- 庞茨的大脑就像一个小型工厂,不断的冒出一夜暴富的点子。
- 3. Not at all! But do keep in mind that this is not a "get-rich-quick" scheme.
- 并不是这样,但要保持的观点是这个快速暴富的计划。
- 4. They were probably hooked by get-rich-quick schemes that sucked their time and money without giving much in return.
- 他们大概上钩的暴富计划,吸而不多的时间和金钱回报。
- 5. However, it also applies to lottery winners, estate heirs, and people whose get-rich-quick schemes actually worked.
- 同时,“暴富”的来源也可以指彩票得主,地产继承人以及那些迅速发财计划进行顺利的人。
- 6. And you need to make sure that you own a home you can afford and enjoy, as opposed to seeing it as a get-rich-quick scheme.
- 你还要确保自己拥有一座负担得起、又可以享受的房子,而不是把房子看成是一个一夜暴富的工具。
- 7. But it is not a game for the stupid, mentally lazy, the man of inferior emotional balance, nor for the get-rich-quick adventurer.
- 而这既不是为那些愚蠢,思想懒散,情商低下的人准备的游戏,也不适合想迅速致富的冒险者。
- 8. As he says, such clashes are not new: patent disputes and get-rich-quick hype have dogged the battery business since its inception.
- 正如他说的,这种冲突不是新近发生的,专利争端和企图暴富的炒作自电池商业起初一直存在。
- 9. When more people learned of the prices that the rich were willing to pay for tulips, they knew they just found a 'get-rich-quick' gold mine.
- 当越来越多人知道贵族们愿意为一束郁金香付出高昂的价格时,他们晓得已经寻到梦寐以求的金矿。
- 10. How can the short-term, get-rich-quick mentality that drove so much market activity before the crash - and inflated those bonuses - be curbed?
- 怎样才能抑制在危机爆发之前使这些奖金膨胀,驾驭这么多市场活动的短期及欲一夕变富的心理?
- 11. Don't succumb to the temptation of the 99 cent app, it's a lure and only serves to feed the get-rich-quick fairy tales that even kids would find hard to believe.
- 不要屈从于99美分的低价诱惑,那是个陷阱,是为了忽悠你让你相信快速致富的神话传说,就连小孩儿也不会相信。
- 12. In their quest to make life better, they are sucked into the world of get-rich-quick seminars - spending money they don't have to try to win back money they don't really need.
- 他们试图谋求更好的生活,却发现自己疲于加入暴发户的讨论会而身陷囹圄。他们花了根本花不起的钱,想要赢得他们根本不需要的钱财。
- 13. It's another of his schemes to get rich quick.
- 那是他迅速致富的另一种计谋。
- 14. They invented some lamebrain scheme to get rich quick.
- 为发横财,他们想出了个蠢办法。
- 15. My Top 10 Rules are not a "Get Rich Quick" scheme.
- 我的这10个准则并不是一个“快速制富”的计划。
- 16. But disasters can also bring out the worst in people, as they see the help offered as a way to get rich quick.
- 但灾害也能在人们之中产生坏结果。就像他们看到快速致富的捷径一样。
- 17. Whoever figures out how to predict the stock market will get rich quick.
- 任何人只要能够预测股市的话,他很快就会非常富有。
- 18. Computer science is no longer a buzzword-compliant "get rich quick" subject, and people (outside the BCS) are starting to realize that it's not a vocational software development degree course.
- 也许计算机科学不再是与“快速富裕”相关的热词,但人们(英国计算机社会之外)正开始认识到,计算机科学不是职位软件开发学位课程。
- 19. Sure there are some winners who get rich quick, but there are also a lot of people who get hurt (especially if they haven’t taken the time to develop their financial intelligence).
- 确实有些胜利者很快致富了,但更多的人因此受到损失(尤其是他们还没有花时间去学习他们的金融知识)。
- 20. Personal finance isn't a way to get rich quick, but is a disciplined execution of your lifetime plans.
- 个人的资金积累并不是快速致富的方法,但是可以锻炼人生规划。
- 21. In the land of plenty, we are constantly tempted with more ways to spend: bigger servings, buy one get one free offers, and endless opportunities to get rich quick.
- 在富饶之地,有太多种不断引诱我们花销的方式:丰盛的餐饮、买一送一、无数的快速致富机会。
- 22. The movie follows a series of interconnected storylines about crime and drugs, where Zac will play a young man hoping to get rich quick by taking the job as a runner for a cocaine dealer.
- 影片由犯罪与毒品相关的剧情交错而成,扎克在其中将扮演的男主角一心求得飞黄腾达,不惜成为毒枭身边跑腿之人。
- 23. An AD for a get-rich quick scheme?
- 快速致富计划的广告?
- 24. No, there is no get rich quick scheme but that doesn't mean you can't make ten dollars in ten minutes; you could if you know the right way to do it.
- 诚然,不存在暴富的妙计,但并不意味你十分钟不能赚十美元,只要你找对门路。
- 25. Get rich quick schemes will not be successful.
- 快速致富法不会成功。
- 26. Want to get rich quick?
- 想要迅速致富?
- 27. Want to get rich quick?
- 想要迅速致富?