- 1. The show runs the gamut of 20th century design.
- 此次展览囊括了20世纪的全部设计。
- 2. The network will provide the gamut of computer services to your home.
- 这个网络将为家庭提供全方位的计算机服务。
- 3. She felt she had run the (whole) gamut of human emotions from joy to despair.
- 她感到自己尝遍了从喜到悲的人类的一切情感。
- 4. As the story unfolded throughout the past week, I experienced the gamut of emotions: shock, anger, sadness, disgust, confusion.
- 在过去的一周,随着故事的发展我体会了各种不同的情绪:震惊、愤怒、悲伤、厌恶和困惑。
- 5. The judges subject any infringement to a whole gamut of tests.
- 法官们对任一侵权行为都将进行全面测试。
- 6. In-flight dining options will probably run the gamut from water to water.
- 飞行过程中的用餐将很可能只有白开水。
- 7. She felt she had run the gamut of human emotions from joy to despair in one day.
- 她感到自己在一天中经历了从欢乐到绝望的人类的一切情感。
- 8. In his short life he had run the entire gamut of crime, from petty theft to murder.
- 他在短短的一生中,从小偷小摸到杀人,什么罪都犯过。
- 9. In his short life he have run the entire gamut of crime, from petty theft to murder.
- 他在短短的一生中,从小偷小摸到杀人,什么罪都犯过。
- 10. This same mentality spans the entire gamut of design and aesthetics on a daily basis.
- 在日常中的审美也是一样。
- 11. These run the gamut from batteries to far more complex electricity-management systems.
- 这些要消耗从电池到非常复杂的电力管理系统的一切能源。
- 12. The list runs a wide gamut, from a universal archive translator to a high-speed Web server.
- 它们涉及从通用存档转换器到高速Web浏览器的多个领域。
- 13. Among students, attitudes run the gamut, from indifference to curiosity to full-blown obsession.
- 在学生中间,态度在所有知识中都有所影响,从好奇心的差异到完全的困惑。
- 14. Machine learning USES run the gamut from game playing to fraud detection to stock-market analysis.
- 机器学习可以应用于各种目的,从游戏、欺诈检测到股票市场分析。
- 15. The provided schemata run the usual gamut from a variety of purchase order formats to product catalogs.
- 已提供的概要运行于从各种采购单格式到产品目录的整个范围。
- 16. But he has created a whole gamut of other buildings as well. Hotels and high-rise housing, for example.
- 当然柯里亚也设计了不少其他不同性质的建筑如酒店,高层住宅等。
- 17. Tcsh provides a gamut of shell variables and aliases, in addition to supporting those that csh supplies.
- 除了支持csh 提供的shell变量之外,tcsh 还提供了大量 shell 变量和别名。
- 18. If parliament endorses this package, Mr Maliki will have 30 days to allot the entire gamut of ministries.
- 如果议会认同这份一揽子协议,马利基将有30天去指派所有部门的内额成员。
- 19. The provided schemata run the usual gamut from a variety of purchase order form ats to product catalogs.
- 已提供的概要运行于从各种采购单格式到产品目录的整个范围。
- 20. Indeed, the theoretical maximum gamut of a laser-based system is almost 90% of what the human eye can perceive.
- 确实,激光系统的最大色域理论上可以接近人眼能感知范围的90%。
- 21. The gamut of committees that the bill must pass in the Senate may yet save it, though probably at a hefty price.
- 而法案在参议院必须获得通过的全体各类委员会也许会拯救它,尽管付出较高的代价。
- 22. Digital cinema-projectors get around this problem, but purists complain that the gamut is not as rich as with film.
- 数字电影放映机就无此问题之虞。
- 23. BULL offers are large repositories of open source tools that support the gamut of AIX releases (4.3.3, 5l, and 6.1).
- BULL提供大型开放源码工具存储库,这些工具支持各种AIX版本(4.3.3、5l和6.1)。
- 24. Almost all are design patents, running the gamut from MP3 players to power adaptors to the stairs in the Apple Store.
- 这些基本上全是设计专利,从MP3播放器到电源适配器,甚至是苹果商店的楼梯无所不包。
- 25. Online users interviewed said the emotions summoned by the video run the gamut: from laughter to cynicism to surprise.
- 我们采访到的网络用户表示,她的视频所引发的情感的涉及了各个范围:有人大笑,有人冷嘲热讽,也有人表示惊奇。
- 26. But the gamut of these tyrannies has mostly been aided and supported, rather than created or imposed by the United States.
- 但这些暴君的支配范围绝大多数都只是得到美国援助和支持,而不是由美国创造或强加的。
- 27. With sadness in their eyes... these faces from Victorian Christmas CARDS run the gamut of emotions from resigned to desolate.
- 眼中满含悲伤……这些维多利亚时期圣诞卡片上的形象情感丰富,有逆来顺受的表情、凄凉的表情等。
- 28. IBM has a gamut of tools that maintain its vision of providing end-to-end integrated tooling that supports all aspects of BDD.
- IBM提供了全面的工具支持,用于实现其提供支持BDD的所有方面的端到端工具的远景。
- 29. IBM has a gamut of tools that maintain its vision of providing end-to-end integrated tooling that supports all aspects of BDD.
- IBM提供了全面的工具支持,用于实现其提供支持BDD的所有方面的端到端工具的远景。