- 1. It makes him look like a radical fundamentalist.
- 这一举动是他看起来像激进的原教旨主义者。
- 2. Now you can imagine religious fundamentalist who argues like this.
- 你能想象那些信奉正统基督教派的人也主张这样做。
- 3. A court in Jakarta rules on the case of Abu Bakar Bashir, a fundamentalist cleric.
- 雅加达一法庭对原教旨主义教士阿布·巴卡尔·巴西尔的案子进行裁决。
- 4. In a head-to-head contest between a moral relativist and a fundamentalist, who wins?
- 在道德相对主义者和原教旨主义者之间的一场面对面交锋中,谁会赢?
- 5. Defeat in North Carolina seemed to break the back of the entire fundamentalist crusade.
- 在北卡罗来纳的失败,似乎使整个原教旨主义运动再也无能为力了。
- 6. The fundamentalist must win because he is sure he’s right, and you are not sure he’s wrong.
- 后者必然胜利,因为他坚信自己是正确的,而前者则不敢认定后者是错误的。
- 7. I like it when I find myself in agreement with my Baptist and Fundamentalist family members.
- 当我发现自己与我的浸礼会和基要主义的家庭成员意见一致时我喜欢这种说法。
- 8. Therefore, Fundamentalist Confucianism was a spiritual phenomenon that was matched to monarchy.
- 由此可见,“原典儒学”是与君主制度相匹配的精神现象。
- 9. That move has since come under attack as the sort of "market fundamentalist" project that caused the bubble.
- 自废除之后,此举一直被抨击为导致泡沫出现的那种“市场原教旨主义”项目。
- 10. Even in the case of clearly fundamentalist movements, one should be careful not to miss the social component.
- 即便是一场明确无误的原教旨主义运动,这种场合也要小心,不要漏过了社会成分。
- 11. What we see in the East is that children would listen to their mothers if they are not under fundamentalist culture.
- 我们看到在东方,若孩子没有受到教条文化的影响,他们会听从母亲。
- 12. By personality, or perhaps as a reaction to a fundamentalist past, I brood on doubts and experience faith in occasional flashes.
- 性格上或者是对一个过去信奉正统基督教的人的反作用,我会对不确定的事和偶尔闪现的信仰体验沉思。
- 13. This fundamentalist school-catchphrase: "Brains are no substitute for God" -forbade inter-racial dating among its students until 2000.
- 这个正统基督教派的学校一直标榜着这样的宣传:“头脑不能够代替上帝。”直到2000年他们仍然禁止不同种族间的同学约会。
- 14. We became good friends, and I discovered that he was a member of the Plymouth Brethren, a narrow fundamentalist group as I was later to discover.
- 我们后来成为好朋友,我亦发觉他是普利茅斯弟兄会的成员,后来我才知道该会是极端基要派团体。
- 15. The ferocious debate between fundamentalist evolutionary theorists and those who believe in creationism and intelligent design is a case in point.
- 基要主义者、进化理论家和那些特别创造说和智慧设计的人之间的凶猛辩是很好的例子。
- 16. One was Jay Bakker, son of Jim and Tammy Bakker of the defunct-Praise-the-Lord-TV-network fame, who gave meandering talks on growing up fundamentalist.
- 一个是杰伊•拜克,他的父母是吉姆•拜克和塔米•拜克,以“不赞美上帝电视网”而一举成名。他谈论了关于成长着的基要主义者的问题。
- 17. Eventually even the Federal Reserve and other regulators succumbed to the market fundamentalist ideology and abdicated their responsibility to regulate.
- 最终,美联储和其他监管机构倾向于市场原教旨主义,放弃了监管的责任。
- 18. With the scalpel, you go after the fundamentalist murderers responsible with patient policing and intelligence work, and steadily drain them of their support.
- 如果是拿起手术刀,你会展开稳健周密的政策和情报系统,去追查原教旨主义凶手,并一步步化解掉他们的支持。
- 19. Our own George Monbiot, a Green fundamentalist if ever there was one, has been persuaded to drop his opposition to nuclear power by the facts of the case.
- 绿色原教旨主义者、英国的乔治·蒙贝尔特在事实面前,曾经放弃反对核能。
- 20. Nor does it take a free-market fundamentalist to believe that if consumers think that taxicabs provide a safer service, they will pay for that safer service.
- 再说,不只是自由市场原教旨主义者才会相信:如果消费者认为出租车提供的服务更安全,他们会花钱购买更安全的服务。
- 21. Nor does it take a free-market fundamentalist to believe that if consumers think that taxicabs provide a safer service, they will pay for that safer service.
- 再说,不只是自由市场原教旨主义者才会相信:如果消费者认为出租车提供的服务更安全,他们会花钱购买更安全的服务。