- 1. Fund-raising is peripheral to their main activities.
- 对他们的主要活动而言,筹集资金是次要的。
- 2. My fund-raising focus also gave me new motivation to exercise regularly.
- 我的资金筹集的关注点也给了我定期锻炼的新动力。
- 3. Of course, fund-raising isn't the only skill outsiders offer.
- 当然,融资并不是外来者能提供的唯一技能。
- 4. The fund-raising ability is largely a product of experience and necessity.
- 筹集资金的能力在很大程度上是经验和必要性的产物。
- 5. Fund-raising is a distinctively American thing, since U.S. schools rely heavily on donations.
- 筹款活动是美国独有的事情,因为美国学校非常依赖捐款。
- 6. “There is no commitment to funds even now,” admits Mr Sen, but fund-raising is beginning.
- 森说至今还没有基金的任何捐助承诺,但筹款工作已经开始。
- 7. But Harsha DE Silva, an economist, argues that this piecemeal fund-raising is insufficient.
- 但一位经济学家德席瓦尔认为这种零散的资金募集方式是不够的。
- 8. Moguls from the film and music industries will host a fund-raising dinner for him next week.
- 电影和音乐界的大腕下周将为他举行筹款晚宴。
- 9. Much of the alleged bribery was connected to fund-raising efforts in recent election campaigns.
- 据称这些贿金的大部分都和近来竞选活动的筹资有关。
- 10. Behavioural economics may yet provide charities with some creative new fund-raising techniques.
- 行为经济学也许还能通过一些有创造性的新的筹款技巧来筹集慈善资金。
- 11. Yes, there were five yearsof a fund-raising golf tournament for a scholarship in his name at YorkCollege.
- 是的,约克学院设立一项以他的名字命名的、由慈善高尔夫球赛募集资金的奖学金,已经有五年了。
- 12. One of his underlings spent almost $2, 000 of the party’s money on a fund-raising event at a bondage club.
- 他其中的一个手下曾经还为了在一个捆绑俱乐部里举办筹集资金的活动,花掉了党内几乎2000美元的经费。
- 13. I am really touched by all the other countries which are organising fund-raising events and donating money.
- 我真的被所有这些其他国家组织的募款捐赠活动所感动。
- 14. Spain will kick off a month of events to observe World Food Day and will host a fund-raising television gala.
- 西班牙将启动为期一个月的世界粮食日庆祝活动并将主持一场电视集资活动。
- 15. She will be back at the New Amsterdam Theater to perform in the 19th Broadway Cares fund-raising gala on Monday.
- 本周一,她将重返新阿姆斯特丹(今纽约市)剧院,为百老汇关怀中心举办的第19届募捐义演活动登台演出。
- 16. It's mostly based on AngelList data (or not, see update below), plus venture fund-raising statistics from Dow Jones.
- 这篇文章主要是基于业界网站AngelList的数据(也可能不是,参见下文更新),外加道琼斯公司(Dow Jones)的风投融资统计数据。
- 17. Now the JDC helps with fund-raising, but Hodes still digs into his own pocket when a patient needs bus fare or a meal.
- 如今,由美裔犹太人联合分配委员会(JDC)帮助筹集资金。但当赫德看到有病人需要路费或饭钱时,他仍然自己掏腰包。
- 18. He bumbles through his job fund-raising for an art school, and spends his nights watching television with his wife and son.
- 他踉踉跄跄地做着为一所艺术学校募集资金的工作,他靠与其妻子和儿子一起看电视打发夜间时光。
- 19. And where other prominent Pakistanis loot, Mr Khan gives away money and organises fund-raising among the poor for good causes.
- 在那些显赫人物劫掠过的地方,伊姆兰汗捐出自己的积蓄,在穷人中组织资金募集,为他们谋福祉。
- 20. Buffeted by slowing economies around the world and losses at its U.S. consumer-lending operation, HSBC is in fund-raising mode.
- 受全球经济放缓及美国消费借贷业务亏损的打击,汇丰控股开始筹资。
- 21. He notes that in Germany all kinds of charitable fund-raising suffered following a high-profile scandal involving UNICEF in 2008.
- 他说,2008年,一件牵扯到联合国儿童基金会的丑闻闹得满城风雨,随后德国各种慈善机构都大吃其苦。
- 22. I decided to issue it, but to restrict it so that Adams couldn't do any fund-raising or travel outside New York during his three-day stay.
- 我最后决定发放签证,但做出限制,规定亚当斯在三天的逗留期内不得从事筹款活动,也不得到纽约以外的地方走动。
- 23. Supporters set up 70, 000 personal fund-raising pages, organised 200, 000 campaign events and posted endless Obamaphile videos on YouTube.
- 支持者建立了70,000个个人的筹集资金网页,组织了200,000场竞选活动,在YouTube上传了无数奥巴马粉丝团的视频。
- 24. They have been diligent about fund-raising, they say, have campaigned assiduously and have organised elaborate get-out-the-vote operations.
- 他们勤于募集竞选基金,积极竞选并且精心的组织前去投票的行动。
- 25. This week some early results came in, in the form of fund-raising reports to the Federal Election Commission for the three months to October.
- 在本周内,早先的竞选资金结果已得出,以报告的形式向联邦选举委员会汇报十月份之前的三个月的资金筹集情况。
- 26. This week some early results came in, in the form of fund-raising reports to the Federal Election Commission for the three months to October.
- 在本周内,早先的竞选资金结果已得出,以报告的形式向联邦选举委员会汇报十月份之前的三个月的资金筹集情况。