- 1. Most free-born people would submit to anything for a salary.
- 大多数自由的人都乐意为了薪水而服从。
- 2. One, I rather like; the other, no free-born person would submit to, even for a salary.
- 我欣赏随性,但是任何一个生来自由的人都不应该屈从于一个傲慢的人。
- 3. Lifting the iron hammer that hung at the portal, Hester Prynne gave a summons, which was answered by one of the Governor's bond-servants; a free-born Englishman, but now a seven years' slave.
- 海丝特·白兰举起吊在门口的腿于,敲了一下门;总督的一个家奴应声而至,他本是一个英国的自由民,但已当了七年奴仆了。
- 4. Northup was born a free man in Minerva, New York in 1808.
- 诺萨普于1808年在纽约的密涅瓦以自由人的身份出生。
- 5. In fact, they sometimes take their own lives because they are treated so badly, and because they believe they will be born again, free and living in their own land.
- 事实上,他们有时会结束自己的生命,因为他们遭受虐待,也因为他们相信自己会重生,自由生活在自己的土地上。
- 6. Before the Civil War, if you were black and born a free man, you could still be forced into slavery.
- 在南北战争发生之前,如果你是黑色人种,且生下来就是自由人,你仍然可能被迫成为奴隶。
- 7. His office was in Manhattan but he also ran a free clinic in Haiti, where he was born. He'd rebuild the faces of locals injured in accidents.
- 他的办公室在曼哈顿,但在他的出生地海地也有免费诊所,给事故中毁容的当地人整容。
- 8. You must die to the real you that is waiting to be born. The one that is free, unrestrained, and lives from a place of deep inexhaustible joy.
- 你一定渴望真我的降生吧。那一定是个自由自在、无拘无束、欢乐无穷的自己。
- 9. Once the baby is born, the child will receive free developmental assessments from 6 months until age 3.
- 一旦这个孩子出世,他将获得6个月至3岁的免费发育评估。
- 10. When all living men know that men are born free, the nergy of twenty-two hundred million human beings will be released upon this earth.
- 当所有人都知道人生而自由,地球上二十二亿人的力量就会被释放。
- 11. One,the child of a slave,was born according to the flesh, the other,the child of the free woman, was born through the promise.
- 然而那使女所生的,是按着血气生的,那自主之女人所生的,是凭着应许生的。
- 12. This is true Liberty when free born men
- 真正的自由,是生而自由的人
- 13. With the cessation of transportation, the gold rushes of the 1850s and the influx of free settlers, a view of the ‘born colonist’ emerged.
- 随着旧时流放政策的终结,19世纪50年代淘金热的兴起,以及自由殖民者的大批涌入,有人开始认为澳大利亚人是“天生的殖民者”。
- 14. I hope that every child has the same chance as my daughter to be born free from HIV, regardless of location in the world, income, or social standing.
- 我希望所有的孩子都像我女儿一样,出生时健健康康,长大时可以云游四海,享受着同等的收入与社会地位。
- 15. When my daughter Jessica was born, I wanted to protect her from my unhappy marriage, and I broke free.
- 我的女儿杰西卡出生后,为了保护她不受不幸福婚姻的伤害,我挣脱了这一婚姻。
- 16. MAN is born free but is everywhere in debt.
- 人生而自由但如今却债务缠身。
- 17. Other new guidelines give the world its first vision of a generation of babies born HIV-free.
- 而其它一些新指南则使世界第一次有望看到一代无艾滋病毒婴儿的出生。
- 18. Paperbacks and public libraries made books cheap or free but certainly available to millions who might otherwise not have been able to afford them, and all that happened long before I was born.
- 平装本和公共图书馆使书籍低价或免费提供给那些买不起书的很多人,但这都发生在我出生很久前。
- 19. Thanks to nearly universal testing of pregnant women and wide distribution of free antiretroviral drugs, fewer than 4% of babies born to HIV-positive mothers are infected with the virus.
- 由于对几乎所有孕妇进行了检测及免费发放抗逆转录药物,艾滋病毒阳性母亲所产婴儿的艾滋病毒感染率不到4%。
- 20. Eventually John succeeded, and little Maria was born HIV-free.
- 最终,约翰成功了,小玛丽亚出生后没有携带病毒。
- 21. My colleagues and I have sent a number of orphans to the US and Canada for free operations. One is a little girl named Xiao Chu who was born with a weak heart.
- 我和我的同事把很多孤儿送到了美国和加拿大免费做手术,其中有一个女孩叫肖楚(音译),有先天性心脏病,婴儿时就被遗弃了,两岁时就呼吸困难,没有了食欲,她的前景看来很危险。
- 22. This doubt, born of intense conflict, alone will free the mind and give you the ecstasy of freedom, an ecstasy liberated from illusion.
- 这种质疑,诞生于强烈的冲突,它本身就能解放头脑,并带给你自由的狂喜,从幻觉中解脱出来的狂喜。
- 23. And all, being born free and equal, alienate their liberty only for their own advantage.
- 所有的人生而自由且平等,他们放弃自由只为着自己的好处。
- 24. They promise a different future where all people born free and equal in dignity and rights can fulfil that precious birthright.
- 它们导向一个不一样的未来——人人生而自由,人与人的人格平等,人与生俱来的权利能得以实现。
- 25. In the global north, a new generation is being born HIV-free, while each year 360,000 babies are born with HIV in the south.
- 在北半球,已经有一代人出生时无艾滋病毒感染,而南半球每年仍有36万婴儿出生时HIV呈阳性。
- 26. In the global north, a new generation is being born HIV-free, while each year 360,000 babies are born with HIV in the south.
- 在北半球,已经有一代人出生时无艾滋病毒感染,而南半球每年仍有36万婴儿出生时HIV呈阳性。