- 1. The advertisement is for a men's fragrance.
- 这则广告介绍一款男士香水。
- 2. The analogy between music and fragrance has stuck.
- 音乐与香味的类比已经深入人心了。
- 3. Elizabeth David enthuses about the taste, fragrance and character of Provencal cuisine.
- 伊丽莎白·戴维兴奋地谈论普罗旺斯菜的口味、香气和特色。
- 4. Two was exotic taste and fragrance.
- 有两种是异国的风味和香味。
- 5. Smell the fragrance and know the man.
- 闻香识男人。
- 6. The air was full of the fragrance of flowers.
- 空气中充满了花香。
- 7. The apple blossoms filled the air with their fragrance.
- 苹果花使空气充满香味。
- 8. The locust-trees were in bloom and the fragrance of the blossoms filled the air.
- 槐树正开着花,空气中弥漫着花香。
- 9. It was bubble-and-squeak, between two plates, and its fragrance filled the narrow cell.
- 它在两个盘子间,发出吱吱的泡泡声,它的香味充满了狭窄的牢房。
- 10. As long as there is love in the heart, the fragrance of carnation will never disappear.
- 只要心中有爱,康乃馨的花香就永远不会消失。
- 11. It smelt so sweet that all cares and sorrows were forgotten by him who inhaled its fragrance.
- 它闻起来是那么香,谁一闻到它的香味,就会忘掉一切烦恼和忧愁。
- 12. A cool morning breeze fanned their cheeks, and the spicy fragrance from the fir-trees filled their lungs with every breath.
- 凉爽的晨风吹拂着他们的脸颊,每一次呼吸肺里都充满了纵树的芳香。
- 13. Myrtle's evergreen leaves, elegant and beautiful white flowers and their charming fragrance are seen as symbols of beauty and youth.
- 桃金娘常绿的树叶、优美的白色花朵以及令人愉悦的芳香,正象征着美丽和年轻。
- 14. This picture echoes an old Chinese poem: Sharp edge of a sword comes out from grinding, and plum blossom's fragrance comes from the bitter cold.
- 这张照片和一首中国古诗产生了共鸣:宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来。
- 15. The sweet fragrance of the white blooms makes this climber a favourite.
- 白色花朵散发出的甜香使这株藤蔓成了宠儿。
- 16. He wanted to see if the fragrance would make her come outside.
- 他想看看这香味能否引她到外面来。
- 17. Mr. Kuroki planted the flowers to make his wife come out and enjoy the fragrance.
- 黑木先生种了花,想让妻子走出来享受花香。
- 18. Mr. Kuroki took advantage of the hills around their house and he began to plant a kind of flower with strong fragrance (芳香) .
- 黑木先生利用他们房子周围的山丘,开始种植一种具有浓烈香味的花。
- 19. Now Mrs. Kuroki goes out every day with her husband to enjoy the fragrance of the flowers and the fresh air of a new day.
- 如今,黑木太太每天都和丈夫一起外出,享受鲜花的芬芳和新一天的新鲜空气。
- 20. Can you smell the fragrance of jasmine flowers?
- 你闻到空中弥漫的茉莉花香了吗?
- 21. The rose has a heavy fragrance.
- 玫瑰花香味很浓。
- 22. A fragrance greeted us.
- 香味扑鼻。
- 23. The flowers sent forth a delicate fragrance.
- 花儿散发着清香。
- 24. The fragrance of flowers assails one's nose.
- 花气袭人。
- 25. A sweet fragrance rose from the wild grasses.
- 野草散发出芳香。
- 26. The trees tinged the air with their fragrance.
- 这种树使空气带有一股清香味。
- 27. The butcher smelt her fragrance.
- 屠夫她闻到了柳条女人的香味。
- 28. Fragrance emanated from the flowers.
- 芬芳从花朵中散发出来。
- 29. The flowers gave off a sweet fragrance.
- 鲜花散发出甜蜜的芳香。
- 30. The flowers gave off a sweet fragrance.
- 鲜花散发出甜蜜的芳香。