- 1. The level of formaldehyde gas in her kitchen was twice the maximum allowed by federal standards for chemical workers.
- 她厨房的甲醛气体含量是联邦为化工工人设立的最大值标准的两倍。
- 2. Formaldehyde, of all things, might be the answer.
- 在所有的物质里面,甲醛,是这个问题最有可能的答案。
- 3. Its annual production capacity for formaldehyde is 2.2 billion pounds.
- 其年均福尔·马林产能约22亿磅。
- 4. A board spokesperson said that the issue of formaldehyde had not come up.
- 一位委员会发言人说福尔·马林问题尚未公开化。
- 5. 17 out of 28 products tested 61 percent contained both formaldehyde and 1, 4-dioxane.
- 28件被测产品中的17件- 61% -同时含有甲醛和1,4 -二恶烷。
- 6. After Vladimir Lenin died in 1924, his brain was preserved in a formaldehyde solution.
- 弗拉基米尔·列宁于1924年去世,其大脑被保存在甲醛溶液里。
- 7. 17 out of 28 products tested - 61 percent - contained both formaldehyde and 1, 4-dioxane.
- 28件被测产品中的17件- 61% -同时含有甲醛和1 4 -二恶烷。
- 8. Morticians who use formaldehyde to embalm bodies are at an exceptionally high risk of leukemia.
- 用甲醛来保存尸体的殡仪业者,有极高的患白血病的风险。
- 9. That, I think, is the point of putting dead animals into glass cases, or tanks of formaldehyde.
- 我以为,这就是把死动物放入玻璃缸或是甲醛中的用意所在。
- 10. Look at his skillfully dismembered formaldehyde shark or diamond skull and draw your own conclusions.
- 请参看他那用巧妙笔画勾勒出的存放在甲醛中被肢解了的虎鲨图,或是钻石骷髅图,然后再得出你自己的看法。
- 11. Among its most unusual items was Lenin's brain, preserved in a formaldehyde solution in a glass jar.
- 而这其中最不寻常的东西就要算是放在玻璃缸中用福尔·马林溶液浸泡着的列宁大脑呢。
- 12. Formaldehyde and 1, 4-dioxane are known carcinogens; formaldehyde can also trigger skin rashes in some children.
- 甲醛和14 -二恶烷是已知的致癌物质;甲醛还会引发一些儿童起皮疹。
- 13. 23 out of 28 products – 82 percent – contained formaldehyde at levels ranging from 54 to 610 parts per million (ppm).
- 28件产品中的23件 - 82% -甲醛含量在54至610百万分率(ppm)之间。
- 14. Three formaldehyde-filled jars tell a tale of diminishing life in a water column about 90 miles north of the well.
- 这三罐装满福尔马林瓶子告诉读者位于油井北方90英里处海域的生命是如何随着时间消逝的。
- 15. The delusion is that preserving France as it is, in some sort of formaldehyde solution, means preserving jobs for life.
- 幻觉让法兰西墨守陈规,就好像甲醇的化学溶液{治疗皮肤病,治标不治本},意思是说工作就是为了活着。
- 16. And the sand was burning hot under his feet and the air, although breathable, had a tinge of formaldehyde that hurt his lungs.
- 他脚下的沙子被晒得滚烫,空气尽管还可供呼吸,却有一股甲醛的味道,在侵害亨德瑞克斯的肺部。
- 17. Dr. Otis Brawley, chief medical officer at the American Cancer Society, said that formaldehyde is both worrisome and inescapable.
- 美国癌症学会的首席医药专员,OtisBrawley 医生说,甲醛是令人担扰的,而且是难以逃避的。
- 18. For more than 150 years, King Bonsu's head was lost until an author found it stored in a jar of formaldehyde in a Dutch museum.
- 他的头颅失落世间150多年,直到一个作家于荷兰的一个博物馆里发现它。 当时它被浸泡在一个装有福尔马林的罐子里。
- 19. Consumers can reduce their exposure to formaldehyde by avoiding pressed-wood products or buying only those that are labeled as u.
- 消费者可以做到减少与甲醛的接触,如通过杜绝购买人工压制的木材制作的产品,或者只买那些带有U。
- 20. For months thousands of people were housed in temporary trailers which were poorly ventilated and contained high levels of formaldehyde.
- 几个月来成千上万的群众居住在通风不畅,高甲醛含量的临时住所内。
- 21. Formaldehyde, which is used in plywood manufacturing as well as embalming, was only officially classified as a carcinogen this past June.
- 可用于防腐以及胶合板制造的甲醛,在今年六月才正式被归为致癌类物质。
- 22. If you spot him driving around in his minivan-which carries a whiff of formaldehyde-you might guess he's an accountant or insurance agent.
- 如果你看到他驾驶着他那喷着甲醛气的小型货车到处转,您可能会猜想他是会计师或保险代理人。
- 23. We know that formaldehyde is common in cosmic molecular clouds, so there's good reason to think Earth had plenty of this vital compound.
- 我们目前已知甲醛在宇宙分子云里面是很常见的,所以我们也可以认为早期的地球上有很多这种重要的化合物。
- 24. Most of these formulas contain more formaldehyde and alcohol than standard polishes, which are drying and make nails prone to splitting.
- 这种指甲油的配方中含有太多甲醛和酒精,容易干,但是会导致指甲开裂。
- 25. Agency administrator Michael Wood says they found many brands contained formaldehyde, even when the bottle was marked formaldehyde-free.
- 该机构管理人员迈克尔·伍德解释说很多牌子的产品都含有甲醛,虽然瓶装上标示着不含甲醛。
- 26. Some of these substances contain volatile stuff like formaldehyde, rosin, and chromates that can send particularly sensitive skin into a tizzy.
- 这些物质含有一些具有挥发性的甲醛、树脂和铬酸盐会使敏感的皮肤感到紧张。
- 27. He wrote that the company "strongly disagrees" with the N.I.H. panel's conclusion that formaldehyde should be treated as a known human carcinogen.
- 他写道本公司“强烈反对”国立卫生研究院专家组判定福尔·马林为致癌物质的结论。
- 28. He wrote that the company "strongly disagrees" with the N.I.H. panel's conclusion that formaldehyde should be treated as a known human carcinogen.
- 他写道本公司“强烈反对”国立卫生研究院专家组判定福尔·马林为致癌物质的结论。