- 1. They're negotiating a tie-up with Ford.
- 他们正在与福特公司洽谈合作事宜。
- 2. It was a clear foul by Ford on the goalkeeper.
- 这明显是福特对守门员犯规。
- 3. Two minutes later Ford equalized with a penalty.
- 两分钟后,福特以一记点球将比分扳平。
- 4. Ford was attached to the 101st Airborne Division.
- 福特曾属于第101空降师。
- 5. The Cadillac slammed broadside into a Ford Escort.
- 这辆凯迪拉克侧面撞上了一辆福特雅仕车。
- 6. Even Ford, who seldom smiled, laughed out loud a few times.
- 即使是平时不苟言笑的福特也好几次笑出了声。
- 7. Glyn Ford is chairman of the committee which produced the report.
- 格林·福特是撰写该报告的委员会的主席。
- 8. Ford is definitely not a man to let a little success go to his head.
- 福特绝不是那种会被一点点成功冲昏头脑的人。
- 9. Ford never desisted from trying to persuade him to return to America.
- 福特从来没有停止试着劝说他回美国。
- 10. He noticed a man behind him in a blue Ford gesticulating to pull over.
- 他注意到后面一辆蓝色福特车里的一个男人示意他靠边停车。
- 11. Ford was a respecter of proprieties and liked to see things done properly.
- 福特非常注重礼仪,喜欢把事情办得妥帖得体。
- 12. He accused Ford of being hell-bent on achieving its cuts by whatever means.
- 他谴责了福特公司不择手段一心要实现削减目标的行为。
- 13. O'Leary served in federal energy posts in both the Ford and Carter administrations.
- 奥利里在福特政府和卡特政府期间都任过联邦政府能源部门的职位。
- 14. He completed the lengthy course some three seconds faster than his nearest rival, Jonathon Ford.
- 他比劲敌乔纳松·福特快约三秒钟完成了漫长的赛程。
- 15. Ford has been gaining market share this year at the expense of GM and some Japanese car manufacturers.
- 福特公司今年一直在扩大自己的市场份额,这导致通用公司和一些日本汽车制造商市场份额减少。
- 16. Ford vowed that he would sooner burn his factory to the ground than build a single vehicle for war purposes.
- 福特起誓说,他宁愿把自己的工厂烧毁,也不为战争生产一辆汽车。
- 17. Ford kept his suspicions to himself, even to the extent of going to jail for a murder he obviously didn't commit.
- 福特把自己的怀疑藏在心里,即使到了要为他显然没有犯的谋杀罪而入狱的地步他也不说。
- 18. Ford has changed since then.
- 自从那以后,福特有了变化。
- 19. Your car is the white Ford.
- 您的车是白色的福特。
- 20. "What?" said Ford.
- “什么?”福特说。
- 21. Only Ford may survive in its current form.
- 只有福特汽车公司才能以目前的形式生存下来。
- 22. This is a Ford.
- 这是一辆福特车。
- 23. Think of poor Otter, waiting up there by the ford!
- 想想可怜的奥特吧,他在浅滩那儿等着呢!
- 24. He was going to spend the night watching by the ford.
- 他打算在浅滩守一整晚。
- 25. Ford has to worry about what GM is doing and what Toyota is doing.
- 福特不得不担心通用汽车和丰田正在做的事情。
- 26. An all-electric city would mean no cars. What would Ford be doing then?
- 全电力城市意味着没有汽车。那到时,福特又做什么呢?
- 27. As I walked along the river towards the ford, I thought about my forefathers.
- 我一边沿着河边朝浅滩走去,一边想我的祖先们。
- 28. The comment I announced in this chapter is exactly what Welles said of John Ford.
- 在这章里,我给出的评论正是威尔斯对约翰·福特的评价。
- 29. Our gallery begins in 1951, where we published the dream car designs of Ford employees.
- 我们的画廊始于1951年,在那里我们发表了福特员工的梦想之车设计。
- 30. Ford will soon introduce an update of its Taurus sedan, as well as some new small cars.
- 福特将很快推出其金牛座轿车的升级版,以及一些新款小型车。