- 1. Greenpeace managed to assemble a small flotilla of inflatable boats to waylay the ship at sea.
- 绿色和平组织设法聚集了一支充气艇小舰队去拦截海上的那艘船。
- 2. The accompanying flotilla of dorados schools (up to 50 now) can be seen more easily, their astonishing blueness picked up by torchlight.
- 伴随我们筏子的剑鱼群能看得更清楚了(到现在为止差不多有50群了),在手电光的照射下,鱼身的蓝色让人惊叹。
- 3. Epstein had planned to be aboard the flotilla and Peck was.
- 爱波斯坦计划过要登上那支船队,而佩克上了船。
- 4. If possible, tie all the lifeboats into a connected flotilla.
- 如果可能的话,把所有的救生艇连成一个小船队。
- 5. Recent news about Israel flotilla raid, things are complicated.
- 最近关于以色列袭击救援船的新闻,事情是复杂的。
- 6. A central table, 82.4 metres long, supports a flotilla of model ships.
- 中央台长82.4米,支托着模型船小型舰队。
- 7. Akram Bader, a Palestinian spokesman for the flotilla, says that is nonsense.
- 这个船队的巴勒斯坦发言人巴德说,这完全是胡说八道。
- 8. A flotilla of low craft chuff from left to right, man and wife hunched at the stern.
- 一小队乡下船队从左开到右,男人和他们的妻子举着枪。
- 9. Then came the Mavi Marmara flotilla incident: Israelis completely bungled the operation.
- 然后发生了“蓝色马尔马拉号”事件:以色列彻底搞砸了这次行动。
- 10. He said it was partly the Turkish side's fault: the flotilla should not have defied Israel.
- 他说袭击事件部分原因是土耳其方面的错误:船队不应该先挑衅以色列。
- 11. On March 11, 1803, Napoleon decided to start building a flotilla of barges to invade Britain.
- 1803年3月11日,拿破仑决定开始建立一支驳船舰队以入侵大不列颠。
- 12. Photo 10 :Gentoo and chinstrap penguins look out on a flotilla of small icebergs in Cooper Bay.
- 图10:金图企鹅和颊带企鹅在库泊湾望向一队小型冰山。
- 13. But the prospects for a Palestinian rapprochement still look far more remote than the launch of another flotilla.
- 但让另一支小型船队启航似乎远比巴勒斯坦和解的前景更为现实。
- 14. On May 31, a flotilla of Turkish ships approached the coast of the Gaza strip attempting to deliver aid supplies.
- 5月31日,一支由土耳其籍船只组成的舰队靠近加沙海岸,他们尝试给当地送去援助物资。
- 15. The flotilla, which will carry pro-Palestinian activists from more than a dozen countries, is planning to set sail this week.
- 该船队将搭载来自十多个国家的支持巴勒斯坦积极分子,计划于本周启航。
- 16. A small flotilla of rafts fashioned from trailer tyres and stacked with sacks of corn floats by, in sight of customs officials.
- 一支由拖车轮胎捆扎而成并铺上谷物袋的木筏船队在河上载浮载沈,就在海关人员的视线内。
- 17. "It's awesome to be back." Sunderland, of Thousand Oaks, California, said after he was welcomed home by a flotilla of well-wishers.
- 桑德兰回到老家加利福尼亚千橡市时受到许多祝福者的欢迎,他说:“能回来真是太好了。”
- 18. More than a month after Israel's deadly flotilla raid, another aid ship is sailing toward the blockaded Palestinian-ruled Gaza Strip.
- 在以色列对援助船队发动致命袭击一个多月后,另一艘援助船只正在驶往巴勒斯坦统治的加沙地带。
- 19. At the very least, a flotilla of unmanned spacecraft could be headed Moonward within the next few years, with goals that range from lofty to goofy.
- 至少在未来几年中,一些无人飞船会向月球进发,尽管他们的目的有所不同。
- 20. The Turks presented this as a result of Israel's refusal to apologize for the armed seizure of the Gaza-blockade-running Turkish flotilla last year.
- 土耳其以此来报复以色列拒绝为去年扣押土耳其在加沙地带的巡逻队道歉。
- 21. But Israel's attack on the Gaza-bound flotilla, claiming, it seems, nine Turkish lives, has squarely thrust Turkey into the Middle Eastern quagmire.
- 但以色列袭击驶往加沙地带国际救援船致9名土耳其人丧生似乎已生生将其推进中东和平的泥潭。
- 22. The newest addition to the flotilla, reports say, is a 500-plus-foot behemoth that officially claims the title of Largest Private Yacht in the World.
- 据消息称,最新入编的是一条超过500英尺号称是世界最大的私人游轮。
- 23. But Turkish diplomats, among others, are asking whether Israel could respond in a similar manner were a second flotilla to set sail for Gaza’s shores.
- 然而,土耳其的外交官挺身而出问道:若是第二支船队启程驶向加沙海岸,以色列是否也会做出类似的反应。
- 24. But Turkish diplomats, among others, are asking whether Israel could respond in a similar manner were a second flotilla to set sail for Gaza’s shores.
- 然而,土耳其的外交官挺身而出问道:若是第二支船队启程驶向加沙海岸,以色列是否也会做出类似的反应。