- 1. He took out a metal flask from a canvas bag.
- 他从帆布袋里拿出了一个金属水瓶。
- 2. There are some sandwiches here and a flask of coffee.
- 这儿有一些三明治和一瓶咖啡。
- 3. The flask is completely watertight, even when laid on its side.
- 这水瓶即使平放也不漏一滴水。
- 4. The vacuum flask has a strong casing, which won't crack or chip.
- 这个真空瓶有一个坚固的外壳,不会破裂。
- 5. She had a habit of taking an occasional nip from a flask of cognac.
- 她有一个偶尔就着瓶子喝一小口法国白兰地的习惯。
- 6. You also need a saucepan, a spoon and a flask.
- 你还需要一个平底锅、一只汤匙和一个保温瓶。
- 7. That is an Erlenmeyer flask that has been filled with chlorine, and sodium has been added to it.
- 那是装了氯气的锥心烧瓶,里面加了钠。
- 8. As we were enjoying our first mouthful of thermos flask soup, a stout man, opened the gate and came towards us.
- 当我们享用热水瓶里的第一口汤时,一个胖男人打开大门朝我们走来。
- 9. "You can only do so much in a flask, and the mix of species would be much greater in a natural environment, " Jones pointed out.
- “培养瓶中的实验差不多只能做到这个程度,自然条件下共生的物种数量要大得多。”琼斯指出。
- 10. We used a conical flask, a fabric bag of sprigs of lavender plus shredded, a plastic delivery tube, and a test-tube in a beaker of cold water.
- 我们用了一个锥形烧瓶、一个装着薰衣草细枝条的布袋和一些碎布条、一根塑料导管,和一根试管,要把它放在装有冷水的烧杯里。
- 11. To demonstrate their approach, they added the genes to a bacterium and found that a flask of the bacterial culture produced enough light to read a book by.
- 为了展示他们的方法,他们给一种细菌添加了这种基因,并发现培养细菌的烧瓶中放出的光足可以在旁边看书。
- 12. The graduations are marked on the side of the flask.
- 烧瓶壁标有刻度。
- 13. He hopes to sell the flask to outdoor types and soldiers, but that is not the limit of his ambition.
- 他希望将这种烧瓶卖给户外爱好者和士兵,然而那并不能满足他的雄心壮志。
- 14. Much easier to keep a flask of cells under very sterile, very reproducible conditions than it is to keep a small animal, right?
- 保存一小瓶细胞,该细胞可在无菌条件下再生,这要比保存小动物容易的多,对吗?
- 15. You put your a in your flask.
- 你把A放到长颈瓶里。
- 16. Pour the mixture into the flask.
- 把混合物倒入长颈瓶。
- 17. In other words, it's a hip flask.
- 换句话说,就一时髦玩意。
- 18. I kept for nearly a year the flask-shaped cocoon of an emperor moth.
- 我有一个天蛾的茧儿,差不多藏了一年。
- 19. Here, someone from the crowd hands a thermos flask up to one of the guards.
- 这幅图里,人群中的一个人将一个热水壶递给一个边防兵。
- 20. Another potential deterrent was that the flask had been damaged and later restored.
- 另一个潜在的不利因素是这个花瓶曾遭损害后经修复。
- 21. A large, exquisitely decorated silver flask might offer a clue to the purpose of the hoard.
- 有一只银水瓶很大,上面的精美装饰可能暗示了其用途。
- 22. For the third task, Psyche must fill a flask with water from a rushing river alongside a jagged cliff.
- 在第三个任务中,Psyche(赛琪)必须取来一条奔流不息的大河中的河水去装满一个长颈瓶,而这条河在陡峭的悬崖边。
- 23. Newton and his peers believed it was possible to prompt metals to grow, or “vegetate, ” in a flask.
- 牛顿和他的同伴们认为金属是可以在烧杯里种植,或“像植物般生长”的。
- 24. We used lavender, orange peel, lemon peel and lime peel, both separately and together in the flask.
- 我们用了薰衣草,桔子皮,柠檬皮和酸橙皮,分别把它们在烧瓶里提炼,和把它们一起放在烧瓶里提炼两种方法。
- 25. In the morning, Katarina's father gave me a flask of 1978-vintage brandy, and I walked into the chilly rain.
- 第二天早上,凯塔琳娜的父亲给了我一瓶1978年产的白兰地,然后我走进了冰冷的雨中。
- 26. But don't forget to make more coffee than usual - the beans take up 15 per cent of the volume of your mug or flask.
- 咖啡豆的体积可达到杯子的15%,因此,冲咖啡时别忘了多倒一点水。
- 27. But don't forget to make more coffee than usual - the beans take up 15 per cent of the volume of your mug or flask.
- 咖啡豆的体积可达到杯子的15%,因此,冲咖啡时别忘了多倒一点水。