- 1. And this again is the fissile isotope.
- 这也是易裂变同位素。
- 2. Let me from the rigid thinking of the fissile core of difficult.
- 让我从僵硬的思维内核中艰难的裂变。
- 3. The other would end the production of fissile materials for bombs.
- 另一个条约则将终止武器级裂变材料生产。
- 4. The hybrid breeders can provide plenty of fissile material for PWR or FBR.
- 聚变-裂变混合堆可以为压水堆或快堆提供充足的核燃料。
- 5. With China's help, Pakistan had already been expanding fissile-material production.
- 而在得到中国的帮助下,巴基斯坦已经扩大了其裂变材料生产。
- 6. Given their fissile nature, it is no wonder regulators are keen to simplify and standardise them.
- 考虑到金融衍生品本身不稳定的属性,监管机构自然迫切寻求其简约化和标准化。
- 7. Thus, we need to start getting rid of this material along with fissile material created for weapons use.
- 因此,我们在清除用于制造武器的裂变材料的同时也需要开始清除这类材料。
- 8. Because of advantages of low cost and fissile activity, classified collection is suitable to rural area.
- 生活垃圾分类收集以其低成本和裂变活性的优势适合在农村采用。
- 9. The few fissile materials could not maintain the chain type response (overwhelming majority neutron escape).
- 少量的裂变材料不能维持链式反应(绝大多数中子逃逸了)。
- 10. China a firmly supports the CD as the only appropriate venue for negotiating the Fissile Material Cut-Off Treaty (FMCT).
- 中方坚定主张,裁谈会是谈判判“禁产条约”的唯一适当场所。
- 11. This chart gives you a summary of some of the critical thermal-neutron cross sections of important fissile and fertile nuclides.
- 这个图表给你们一个重要的,可裂变和可转换核素的,一些临界热能中子横截面的总结。
- 12. And we will call upon countries to begin negotiations in January on a treaty to end the production of fissile material for weapons.
- 我们将呼吁各国从明年一月开始谈判一项协议,以终止可用于武器的裂变材料的生产。
- 13. "You can look at it like a couple of very large uranium mines," he said of the fissile material that would result from the program.
- “你可以把它看成好几座大型铀矿(的裂变原料在支持这个方案)。”他说。
- 14. The agreement to negotiate a fissile-material cut-off treaty (FMCT, to disarmament buffs) involved a patchwork of compromises.
- 核分裂物质减量条约(Fissile Material Cut-OffTreaty)作为核武裁军的缓冲垫,获得各国同意再展开谈判,牵涉到各国的折冲樽俎。
- 15. The important way to control the proliferation of nuclear weapons was to control the production and the use of fissile material.
- 控制核扩散最重要的途径是控制裂变材料的生产和利用。
- 16. Argentina, Italy and the United Arab Emirates said they were working to install radiation detectors to check cargo for fissile material.
- 阿根廷、意大利与阿联酋表示,他们正在安装辐射探测装置,以检查夹带在货物中的裂变材料。
- 17. A whole clutch of these-algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, Turkey and yemen-are in the fissile Middle East.
- 一连串的这些国家——阿尔及利亚、约旦、利比亚、摩洛哥、沙特阿拉伯、突尼斯、土耳其以及也门——都位于裂变性的中东地区。
- 18. There has not been a single incident involving our fissile material, which clearly reflects how strong our controls and mechanisms are.
- 我们的核材料没有发生过一起事故,这反映出我们的控制与管理机制是如何地有效。
- 19. The uranium or plutonium isotopes are referred to as "fissile," which means we can use them to induce fission by bombarding them with free neutrons.
- 铀或钚的同位素被称为裂变材料,即我们可以利用自由中子去轰击它们来产生裂变反应。
- 20. George Perkovich of the Carnegie Endowment, a think tank, says Pakistan should lift its veto on a ban on the production of fissile materials for bombs.
- 智囊机构CarnegieEndowment的GeorgePerkovich认为,巴基斯坦应向制弹用可裂变材料的生产禁令高举反对票。
- 21. Even the test ban and a new treaty to cut off production of fissile material—both obvious first steps to a nuclear-free future—will be dogged with difficulty.
- 即使是禁止核试验和起草一份降低核裂变材料生产的新条约-----很显然,二者都是迈向无核未来的第一步----困难也将会如影随形。
- 22. Unlike them, it has refused to sign the test-ban treaty. Unlike them, it declines to end the production of fissile material-uranium and plutonium-for bombs.
- 与五个核大国不同,它拒绝签署禁止核试条约,它拒绝中止核燃料(铀和钚)生产。
- 23. Unlike them, it has refused to sign the test-ban treaty. Unlike them, it declines to end the production of fissile material-uranium and plutonium-for bombs.
- 与五个核大国不同,它拒绝签署禁止核试条约,它拒绝中止核燃料(铀和钚)生产。