- 1. The pampas are still among the most fecund lands in the world.
- 这片南美无树大草原仍然是世界上最为肥沃的地方。
- 2. It has now become clear how extraordinarily fecund a decade was the 1890s.
- 十九世纪九十年代被当今视为创造力旺盛的十年。
- 3. This is a fecund animal.
- 这是一只多产的动物。
- 4. Large animals are less fecund than small ones.
- 大动物没有小动物繁殖能力强。
- 5. The requirement lives in fecund, loose sandiness soil.
- 要求生活在肥沃、疏松的沙质土壤里。
- 6. The most fecund men were those with partners six years younger.
- 那些伴侣小他们六岁的男性,孩子数量最多。
- 7. But although fecund with practical advice, this not a how-to manual.
- 书中实用的建议俯拾皆是,但是它可不是一本操作指南。
- 8. Six years ago, she had her first child at the hospital at the tender, fecund age of 58.
- 六年前,她正值58岁,更年轻,更有生育能力,那时她在这家医院生下了她的第一个孩子。
- 9. The study's principal finding is that the most fecund marriages are between distant cousins.
- 研究的首要发现便是大部分多子女的婚姻都发生在远房表兄妹之间。
- 10. Sharks populations can't withstand commercial fishing the way more fecund Marine species can.
- 鲨鱼族群不能够像其它多产的海洋生物那样经得起这样的商业捕捞。
- 11. It is a geomantic omen precious place, where climate is mild, land is fecund and golden walls surround.
- 这里气候温和,土地肥沃,金城环抱,是藏风聚气的风水宝地。
- 12. So we will have created a new race of fecund , productive individuals and that could have dramatic consequences.
- 因此我们将创造出一个多产的新人种,这将带来戏剧性后果。
- 13. Nor is it because he championed the abstract idea of fields, a fecund notion that underpins much of modern physics.
- 这也不是因为麦克斯韦提出了支撑了大部分现代物理学的场理论。
- 14. Down to their innate molecular core, cancer cells are hyperactive, survival-endowed, scrappy, fecund, inventive copies of ourselves.
- 就其分子实质核心来说,癌症细胞极度活跃、求生能力强、生气勃勃、生殖力强,就是我们自身的创造性复制品。
- 15. Found in the Eastern side of the US, this butterfly often produces two or three batches of eggs each year which puts it among the more fecund of butterflies.
- 虎凤蝶在美国的东部可以发现,这种蝴蝶通常每年产卵两到三次,这使它位列最多产的蝴蝶之一。
- 16. Thus, men who prefer to mate with blond women are unconsciously attempting to mate with younger (and hence, on average, healthier and more fecund) women.
- 所以,那些更喜欢和金发美女结合的男人只是无意识的试图找一个更年轻(因此通常也更健康,更有生育能力)的女人。
- 17. The Platonic Sweetheart gazes out at us today, Mona Lisa-like, from her repose inside the fecund dream world of the man who redefined American literature.
- 今天,马克·吐温柏拉图式的情人从这位改写美国文学史的人栩栩如生的梦中走了出来,用安谧、恬静、蒙娜丽莎式的眼神注视着我们。
- 18. There are many men of fecund and subtle mind, of keen judgment, of much learning, and of great observation who yet are at a loss when they come to choose.
- 许多人头脑聪敏,有敏锐的判断力,且博学多闻,可是面临选择时仍是不知所措。
- 19. The enthusiasm that many Malagasy seem to have for spreading their new and fecund friends around the country, to provide an additional “crop”, may thus backfire.
- 许多马达加斯加人看起来很有热情在全国传播他们新的多产的朋友,希望能够提供一种新的“庄稼”(译者:此处指上文提到的龙虾),这将会是得其反。
- 20. Others are more adapted for the occasion-they always hit on that which suits the emergency: such a quality produces much and good-a sort of fecund felicity.
- 还有的人则更善于随机应变,处理紧急情况时,总是能抓住要害——这种素质带来丰富而优质的东西,是一种丰饶的福气。
- 21. For all its technical wizardry, the iPhone's greatest triumph is the way it ushered in a bounty of mobile apps, a fecund diversity previously seen only on the desktop.
- 对于苹果的技术魔力而言,iPhone最大的成功在于引导了移动应用程序的爆发,这曾是桌面仅有的富饶环境。
- 22. For all its technical wizardry, the iPhone's greatest triumph is the way it ushered in a bounty of mobile apps, a fecund diversity previously seen only on the desktop.
- 对于苹果的技术魔力而言,iPhone最大的成功在于引导了移动应用程序的爆发,这曾是桌面仅有的富饶环境。