- 1. We tried to help you expedite your plans.
- 我们试图帮你加快你的计划。
- 2. We have developed rapid order processing to expedite deliveries to customers.
- 我们已创造了快速处理订单的方法以便迅速将货物送达顾客。
- 3. The facilitating agencies expedite the clearance of international cargo.
- 中介机构加快国际货物清关。
- 4. Focusing on the positive will expedite the healing process.
- 着眼于积极的一面会加快心灵的愈合。
- 5. I would be happy to expedite and issue his U.S. visa myself.
- 我本人将非常乐意加快签发他的美国签证。
- 6. Ways are being sought to expedite the testing of patient samples.
- 正在寻找办法加速检测患者的样本。
- 7. SQL Server utilizes as much RAM as allocated to it to expedite responses.
- 为了加速响应,SQLServer将使用你分配给它的所有内存。
- 8. Routing hint support added to advertisements to expedite route resolution
- 公告中增加了路由线索(routing hint)支持,从而加速了路由解析
- 9. An insurance agent, for example, needs to process video, images and forms to expedite a claim.
- 举例来说,一个保险代理,需要经过视频、图像、表格来加速一份申请。
- 10. This activity helps you expedite the support process when you need to interact with IBM Support.
- 此活动可帮助您在需要与IBMSupport交互时充分地利用支持流程。
- 11. Regulators here may need to expedite the removal of some spent fuel from pools to dry storage in casks.
- 美国管理者可能需要加快从清除一些燃料。
- 12. It was unclear whether the Fed had formally ruled against the move or declined to expedite the application.
- 目前尚不清楚,美联储(Fed)是否正式反对这宗收购,还是拒绝从快审批申请。
- 13. This will expedite the subscription set creation process, especially if you have many members and many servers.
- 这将加速订阅集的创建过程,特别是如果您拥有许多成员和许多服务器。
- 14. Ubitsoft has released a new version of SQL Enlight, their tool designed to expedite and facilitate T-SQL development.
- Ubitsoft发布了新版本的SQLEnlight,这是一款用于加速并简化t - SQL开发的工具。
- 15. The IBM Support Assistant has four main features for self-help troubleshooting or to expedite the IBM support process
- IBMSupportAssistant 提供了四个重要功能,用于进行自助故障诊断或利用 IBM支持流程
- 16. These were successfully used by FAO to expedite the recovery of production in areas damaged by the 2004 Asian tsunami.
- 粮农组织成功地利用这一方法帮助那些在2004年亚洲海啸中受破坏地区加快恢复生产。
- 17. If the order of the rows is not important, however, you can consider sending requests in parallel, to expedite processing.
- 然而,如果行顺序无关紧要的话,可以考虑以并行方式发送请求,从而加快处理速度。
- 18. This article introduces a toolkit that helps individuals or project teams expedite the task of documenting an it solution.
- 本文将介绍一个工具箱,它可以帮助个人或项目团队快速完成为it解决方案编制文档的任务。
- 19. Strengthened diagnostic capacity within the country is expected to expedite the detection or exclusion of additional cases.
- 在该国内加强诊断能力,预计将加速发现或排除更多的病例。
- 20. In several of the cases, he posed as a developer interested in paying public figures under the table to expedite real estate projects.
- 在一些案件里,他装作一名对加速上马房地产项目兴趣浓厚的开发商,暗中向这些公众人物支付好处费。
- 21. I also encourage them to expedite the arrest and prosecution of the remaining fugitives of the 1994 genocide, including Mr. Felicien Kabuga.
- 我还鼓励他们加快逮捕和起诉1994年灭绝种族事件的剩余在逃犯,包括菲利西安?卡布加先生。
- 22. Perhaps the most difficult challenge is collecting the related code from multiple source files; development tools can greatly expedite this task.
- 或许最困难的挑战在于从多个源文件收集相关代码;开发工具可以极大地加快这个任务的进行。
- 23. If you complete the steps in this article before contacting the support center, it will expedite a solution, since you already have the data.
- 如果您在联系支持中心之前完成本文中的步骤,则会提高解决问题的速度,因为您已经拥有了相关数据。
- 24. Later on, we realized that we needed support for expedite issues, so we added a third horizontal lane in the todo and doing columns for this.
- 后来,我们意识到我们还得支持快速问题,为此在待办和进行中加入了第三个水平的泳道。
- 25. Ways to strengthen local testing capacity are being explored together with ways to expedite the shipment of samples to WHO reference laboratories.
- 正在探讨加强地方检测能力的途径以及加快向世卫组织参考实验室运送样本的办法。
- 26. Talk about the happiness your relationship brought you and how it enriched your life. Focusing on the positive will expedite the healing process.
- 谈谈你失去的那段感情曾经带给你的快乐,谈谈它曾经如何使你的生活丰富多彩。着眼于积极的一面会加快心灵的愈合。
- 27. Talk about the happiness your relationship brought you and how it enriched your life. Focusing on the positive will expedite the healing process.
- 谈谈你失去的那段感情曾经带给你的快乐,谈谈它曾经如何使你的生活丰富多彩。着眼于积极的一面会加快心灵的愈合。