- 1. That what you risk is nothing less than... excommunication.
- 你们所冒的险可比被逐出教会大的多。
- 2. The church had various levels or degrees of such discipline, ranging from the mild rebuke to the ultimate step of excommunication.
- 教会的这些纪律也包含许多级别,从轻微的批评到终极程度的逐出教会不等。
- 3. The operation was said to have been a success but the man later had the implant removed under threat of excommunication from the church.
- 据说手术是成功的,但那贵族后来却迫于被教会开除的威胁而将植入的狗骨取了出来。
- 4. When the excommunication of Bishop Williamson was lifted, the Vatican did not know he had recently said there were no gas chambers, and that no more than 300,000 Jews had died;
- 在逐出威廉姆森主教被取消时,梵蒂冈不知道他最近说什么,他说那里没有毒气室,并没有超过30万犹太人死亡;
- 5. They would have put me, if not run me out, but they would have that kind of excommunication halo over me, because they figured out I was going too far and violating some of the doctrines.
- 即使不将我赶走,他们也会在我头上放个逐出教会的光环,因为他们认为我偏离的太远,且违反了他们的一些教规。
- 6. They would have put me, if not run me out, but they would have that kind of excommunication halo over me, because they figured out I was going too far and violating some of the doctrines.
- 即使不将我赶走,他们也会在我头上放个逐出教会的光环,因为他们认为我偏离的太远,且违反了他们的一些教规。