- 1. The Supreme Court held that the agency vas precluded by collateral estoppel.
- 最高法院裁定,该机构因附带禁止反言而被排除在外。
- 2. The judges applied the laches and equitable estoppel to patent laches in America.
- 法官们将“懈怠”和“衡平法禁止反言”应用于美国的专利懈怠。
- 3. To impede or prohibit by estoppel.
- 禁止…反言或禁止…翻供。
- 4. Law to impede or prohibit by estoppel.
- 禁止…反言或禁止…翻供。
- 5. There are no waiver and estoppel rule in China's Insurance Law.
- 我国保险法中没有规定弃权和禁反言规则。
- 6. I will use my life to love you, love you, love you.! Never estoppel.
- 我将用我的生命来疼你,爱你,呵护你。!永不反悔。
- 7. The rule of Estoppel is important on the Anglo - American insurance law.
- 禁止抗辩原则是保险合同法的一条重要原则。
- 8. Agency by estoppel is an important system to guarantee the safety of trade.
- 表见代理是保证交易安全的一项重要制度。
- 9. There are close relations but also essential difference between the waiver and the estoppel.
- 弃权和禁反言之间存在密切的联系,同时又有著本质的区别。
- 10. In the 20th century, the waiver and the estoppel rule starts to be used in the insurance law field.
- 到20世纪,弃权和禁反言规则开始应用于保险法领域。
- 11. Finally, the author presents the relevant Suggestions to apply to the system of agency by estoppel properly.
- 最后,本文还对如何具体适用表见代理制度提出了相关的建议。
- 12. Can we argue based on estoppel, I think the behavior of the examiner has wasted time and money of the applicant.
- 请问是否可以主张禁止反悔,因为这至少是浪费了申请人的时间和金钱。
- 13. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted herein.
- 没有执照,明示或暗示,禁止反言或其他任何知识产权所授予。
- 14. Promissory Estoppel is a doctrine in Anglo-American law of contracts as the supplement of the theory of consideration.
- “允诺禁反言”原则是作为传统的对价理论的对立面而产生的英美合同法概念。
- 15. No license, express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, to any intellectual property rights is granted by this document.
- 本文档未以禁止反言或其他方式授予任何知识产权的许可,无论是明示的还是暗示的。
- 16. The regulations on agency by estoppel in our country are limited, which lead to the confusion of law application in the cases of agency by estoppel.
- 我国法律有关表见代理的规定十分有限,直接导致了表见代理案件在法律适用上的混乱。
- 17. No other rights except those expressly stated in this promise shall be deemed granted, waived or received by implication, exhaustion, estoppel, or otherwise.
- 除了在这个允诺中所明文规定的内容外,没有其他任何权利被授予、暗示放弃或接受、禁止或者其他情况等。
- 18. Promisary estoppel is an important rule in Anglo American Contract Law and it is a kind of relief of Equity to rigid consideration theory of common law.
- 允诺禁反言原则产生于十九世纪后期,是英美法系合同法中的现代理论,是合同法与衡平法相融合的产物,旨在强制执行某些没有对价支持的合同。
- 19. Promisary estoppel is an important rule in Anglo American Contract law and it is a kind of relief of Equity to rigid consideration theory of common law.
- 允诺禁反言是英美契约法中的一项重要规则,是衡平法对普通法中约因理论苛刻性的救济。
- 20. Promisary estoppel is an important rule in Anglo--American Contract Law and it is a kind of relief of Equity to rigid consideration theory of common law.
- 允诺禁反言是英美契约法中的一项重要规则 ,是衡平法对普通法中约因理论苛刻性的救济。
- 21. When the agency tried to relitigate the identical issue against Stauffer in another court, the Supreme Court held that the agency vas precluded by collateral estoppel.
- 当该机关试图就同样的问题在另一个法院对斯道弗再次提起诉讼时,最高法院裁定,司接禁止翻供的事实阻止其再次提出指控。
- 22. Technological secrets are technological information which is not well known by the public and can bring economic interests to licensee estoppel who takes private measures.
- 技术秘密是不为公众所知悉,能为权利人带来经济利益并经权利人采取保密措施的技术信息。
- 23. As a rule of Case law, Promisary estoppel embodies the importance of judges in Anglo American law and their deduction are strict and persuasive, which differs from the syllogism of continent law.
- 作为判例法创设的一项规则,允诺禁反言充分体现了英美法系中法官的作用,他们的推理严密且使人信服,这一点同大陆法系的三段论有所不同。
- 24. As a rule of Case law, Promisary estoppel embodies the importance of judges in Anglo American law and their deduction are strict and persuasive, which differs from the syllogism of continent law.
- 作为判例法创设的一项规则,允诺禁反言充分体现了英美法系中法官的作用,他们的推理严密且使人信服,这一点同大陆法系的三段论有所不同。