- 1. Jealousy is a primal emotion.
- 嫉妒是一种原始情感。
- 2. Mandy's predominant emotion was confusion.
- 曼迪的主导情绪是困惑。
- 3. It is impossible to separate belief from emotion.
- 信仰和感情是分不开的。
- 4. They were caught up in a whirling vortex of emotion.
- 他们陷入了感情旋涡。
- 5. Happiness was an emotion that Jerry was having to relearn.
- 幸福是一种杰瑞当时不得不再学习的感情。
- 6. She felt she was being dragged into a whirlpool of emotion.
- 她觉得自己被卷入了感情的旋涡。
- 7. Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.
- 笑是最具感染力的感情表达方式之一。
- 8. The decision was based on emotion rather than rational thought.
- 这个决定不是基于理性的思考而是基于感情作出的。
- 9. Almost the first lesson they learn is how to dissociate emotion from reason.
- 第一堂课上他们学的几乎就是如何将情感和理智分开。
- 10. We can use our eyes and facial expressions to communicate virtually every subtle nuance of emotion there is.
- 我们可以用眼睛和面部表情来如实地传达情感上的每一丝细微差别。
- 11. Emotion swells and subsides.
- 情绪忽高忽低。
- 12. Data is said to lack an emotion chip.
- 据说,数据缺少情感芯片。
- 13. Each of these thoughts creates an emotion.
- 每一个思想创造一种情感。
- 14. One emotion males are allowed to express is anger.
- 允许男性表达的一种情绪是愤怒。
- 15. Emotion should never be a substitute for sound policy.
- 感情不能代替政策。
- 16. Our world is based on sense and beautified by emotion.
- 我们的世界建立在感官之上,并且由情绪来美化。
- 17. We are aware that it is used to add emotion and rhythm.
- 我们知道它用于增加情感和节奏。
- 18. We can have some say in how long that emotion will last.
- 我们对这种情绪会持续多久可以有一定的发言权。
- 19. They like the loud sound and strong emotion of the songs.
- 他们喜欢歌曲中响亮的声音和强烈的情感。
- 20. There is no single emotion for miscarriage or for pregnancy.
- 对流产或怀孕没有单独一种情感反应。
- 21. What are the possible links between facial expressions and emotion?
- 面部表情和情绪之间可能存在哪些联系?
- 22. She was praised for her ability to convey subtle adjustment of emotion.
- 她受到了表扬,因为她能传达出感情的微妙变化。
- 23. That is because this bro is too excited to remember to control emotion.
- 那是因为这哥们激动到忘记控制情绪。
- 24. Filming can bring to the emotion of the story, emotional layers of the story.
- 通过拍摄来展示故事的情感,故事的感情层面。
- 25. Most people would probably rather feel a positive emotion than a negative one.
- 大多数人可能更愿意感受积极的情绪,而不是消极的情绪。
- 26. Compassion is a heartfelt emotion that delivers loving-kindness to everyone it touches.
- 同情是一种发自内心的情感,它能将爱和善意传递给它所触及的每一个人。
- 27. Her voice wobbled with emotion.
- 她激动得声音发颤。
- 28. His voice wavered with emotion.
- 他激动得嗓音发抖。
- 29. Mary was overcome with emotion.
- 玛丽激动得不能自持。
- 30. Her voice shook with emotion.
- 她激动得声音颤抖。