- 1. When I was 11 my mother sent me to elocution lessons.
- 在我11岁的时候,妈妈把我送去学习演说技巧课程。
- 2. What do you teach? -speech, elocution and poise.
- 你教什么?-谈吐,演讲以及仪态。
- 3. And "Iron Lady" Margaret Thatcher had elocution lessons to make her voice less shrill.
- 就连有“铁娘子”之称的撒切尔夫人也曾接受过朗诵课程,使自己的声音不那么尖锐。
- 4. All her elocution lessons were just a mask. She was a chiseler from the day she was born.
- 她所有的语言艺术课都是烟雾罢了,从她出生的那天起,她就是个骗子。
- 5. I was playing Scarlett o 'hara in my elocution class, and I ran all the way home in my costume.
- 她说:“我在朗诵课上扮演斯嘉丽小姐,结果穿着戏服就跑回家里来了。”
- 6. His elocution had come from the little duchess, and his dancing swagger from this Smilin’ Jack of the West Bronx.
- 他的谈话艺术来自小女公爵,而他翩然的走路风格则学自这位西布朗克斯的微笑杰克。
- 7. London pronunciation became the prerogative of a new breed of specialists — orthoepists and teachers of elocution.
- 艾尔吉奥写道: 砐“伦敦发音成为专家们(正音学研究者和朗诵教师)对一种新口音的特权。
- 8. Aristotle contacted the teaching of the elocution practice very closely at the time of investigating the language feeling of argument.
- 亚里士多德是紧密结合辩论术的教学实践探讨论证语感。
- 9. His grandfather had been an actor who left the theatre to teach elocution, his father was a teacher who helped deaf-mutes learn how to speak.
- 他的祖父曾经是个演员,离开舞台后教演说术,他的父亲是一个教严重口吃者说话的老师。
- 10. She has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from ums and ers, and, perhaps, a tribute to the elocution lessons she took while still a young girl.
- 她说话锋利尖锐,好在没有哼哼哈哈的拖腔,或许这应归功于她少女时代所上的演讲课的训练。
- 11. In addition to her strenuous elocution, Joyce had strenuously proper posture and a masklike Pleasant Smile suitable for nearly all occasions public and private.
- 乔伊斯不仅在谈吐上下过功夫,她还有着刻苦练习过的姿势,以及面具般讨人喜欢的微笑,几乎适用于从公到私的所有场合。
- 12. Sir Felix helped to kick-start Hepburn's career when he agreed to give her acting and elocution lessons as she tried to establish herself in West End theatre productions.
- 当赫本努力在伦敦西区剧院站住脚跟时,菲利克斯爵士同意给赫本上表演课和朗诵课,帮她的事业起步。
- 13. That voice could be a raucous smoker's or light, fresh and prim, with the intonation of a girl who had gone to elocution lessons and knew to say "lounge", not "front room".
- 她的声音有时候像烟鬼那样沙哑,有时候像少女在演讲课上知道说“休息室”(lounge)而不是“隔音室”(front room)那般晶莹剔透。
- 14. Bell's father, grandfather, and brother were all involved with work on speech and elocution, and both his mother and wife were deaf, profoundly influencing Bell's life's work.
- 贝尔的父亲爷爷和哥哥都致力于朗诵和演讲而且他母亲和妻子都是聋人这深刻地影响了贝尔一生的作品。
- 15. She had aged, certainly, and could have been puffed with cortisone, but she had on the same lipstick she wore at 7, the same red smear, when she was the Scarlett O’Hara of her elocution class.
- 她老了,毫无疑问,可能因为服用可的松的缘故,她的身体有些胀鼓鼓的。但她依然擦着7岁时的那种口红,和她在朗诵课上扮演斯嘉丽小姐时一模一样的一抹红唇。
- 16. She had aged, certainly, and could have been puffed with cortisone, but she had on the same lipstick she wore at 7, the same red smear, when she was the Scarlett O’Hara of her elocution class.
- 她老了,毫无疑问,可能因为服用可的松的缘故,她的身体有些胀鼓鼓的。但她依然擦着7岁时的那种口红,和她在朗诵课上扮演斯嘉丽小姐时一模一样的一抹红唇。