- 1. Jiangxi Ci-Poetry Community is one of most famous Ci-Poetry Communities between the beginning of Yuan Dynasty and the ending of Song Dynast.
- 宋末元初江西词人群体是一个非常著名的词人群体。
- 2. Since the late Qing Dynast, there has been an uneven transformation of humanities in Chinese academic from the traditional paradigm to modern one.
- 清末以来,我国的人文学术经历了一个由传统向现代的曲折转型。
- 3. Though these comments are not systematic and attract little attention, they enforce the back - to - the - ancient Fu thought in late Yuan Dynast,.
- 历来关注较少,但对于元后期辞赋的复古思潮却起了推波助澜的作用。
- 4. Though these comments are not systematic and attract little attention, they enforce the back - to - the - ancient Fu thought in late Yuan Dynast,.
- 历来关注较少,但对于元后期辞赋的复古思潮却起了推波助澜的作用。