- 1. He was arrested for drunk driving.
- 他因为醉酒驾车被拘留了。
- 2. He gets aggressive when he's drunk.
- 他喝醉了就喜欢寻衅滋事。
- 3. He staggered home, drunk.
- 他喝醉酒,踉跄着回了家。
- 4. He became abusive when he was drunk.
- 他喝醉时就满口脏话骂人了。
- 5. He was obviously drunk.
- 他显然是喝醉了。
- 6. She had drunk half a bottle of whisky.
- 她已经喝了半瓶威士忌。
- 7. I got drunk and had to be carried home.
- 我喝醉了,只得被搀扶回家。
- 8. He had drunk himself unconscious on vodka.
- 他喝伏特加酒喝得不省人事。
- 9. Getting drunk is a thing all young men do.
- 喝醉酒是所有小伙子都会干的事。
- 10. He is currently on trial for drunk driving.
- 他目前因酒后驾车而受审。
- 11. Greg tipped police off about a drunk driver.
- 格雷格向警方报告了一名酒后驾车司机。
- 12. Her speech was slurred—she was clearly drunk.
- 她说话含混不清—她显然是喝醉了。
- 13. He was reeling a little. He must be very drunk.
- 他有点踉跄。他一定醉得很厉害。
- 14. They staggered out of the pub, completely drunk.
- 他们烂醉如泥,踉踉跄跄地出了酒馆。
- 15. He'd been drunk when I arrived. Now he was sober.
- 我到的时候他已经喝醉了。现在他清醒了。
- 16. A drunk driver knocked down and killed two girls.
- 一个喝醉了酒的司机撞死了两个女孩子。
- 17. He was drunk and not in control of his faculties.
- 他喝醉了,控制不了他的各项机能。
- 18. She seemed totally unaffected by what she'd drunk.
- 她似乎完全没有受到所喝的东西的影响。
- 19. She had drunk too much and her speech was slurred.
- 她喝得太多了,话都说不利索了。
- 20. He could be a bit of a nuisance when he was drunk.
- 他喝醉时会是一个有点令人讨厌的人。
- 21. My dad used to come home drunk, shouting and cussing.
- 我爹以前常常喝醉了回家,又是喊又是骂。
- 22. They had an argument, which culminated in Tom getting drunk.
- 他们发生了争论,结果导致汤姆喝醉了酒。
- 23. He was sentenced to 140 hours' community service for drunk driving.
- 他因醉酒驾车被判140小时的社区服务。
- 24. Drunk driving fatalities have declined more than 10 percent over the past 10 years.
- 醉酒驾车死亡事故在过去的10年里已下降了10%以上。
- 25. His only vice is to get drunk on champagne after concluding a successful piece of business.
- 他惟一的不良习惯就是在成功做成一笔生意之后喝香槟酒至大醉。
- 26. He must be either mad or drunk.
- 他要么是疯了,要么是喝醉了。
- 27. He was drunk to the world.
- 他已烂醉如泥。
- 28. Drunk driving is a criminal offence.
- 酒后驾驶是刑事犯罪。
- 29. After a moment she had drunk enough.
- 过了一会儿,她喝得够多了。
- 30. Tea is drunk by all levels of society.
- 社会各阶层都喝茶。