- 1. The owner is making huge profits at the expense of downtrodden peasants.
- 物主靠压榨农民而赢得暴利。
- 2. I'm on the side of the downtrodden.
- 我总是帮助受压迫的人。
- 3. The blow, liberate the downtrodden noble blind;
- 打击高贵者,解放低贱者;
- 4. But this was no ordinary group of the downtrodden.
- 但是,这一次来的却不是被欺压的普通人群。
- 5. A downtrodden region is getting a taste of freedom.
- 一个饱压迫的地区正在尝试自由的滋味。
- 6. You have concern for the weak and the downtrodden.
- 你关心弱者与被压迫之人。
- 7. It might even be enough to make other people feel a bit downtrodden.
- 它甚至可能足够使其他人体会到一点被压迫的感觉。
- 8. It would show you how virtue is downtrodden and how vice is triumphant.
- 它会使你知道德行如何遭受践踏,邪恶如何凯旋得胜。
- 9. They want to make life better for others, particularly those who are downtrodden.
- 他们希望让生活更好的人,尤其是谁是践踏。
- 10. While the solders who entered camp on December 19, 1777 were not well-supplied, they were not downtrodden.
- 尽管焊料谁进入营地12月19日,1777没有良好的供应,他们不被践踏。
- 11. Vivekananda, more than any earlier Hindu reformer, encouraged social service and the uplift of the downtrodden.
- 维韦卡南达,大大超越了任何较早期的印度教改革家,鼓励社会服务和提升被压迫者的地位。
- 12. As a Cancer, a Cardinal Water Sign, you love to care for the downtrodden and very often your own needs are overlooked.
- 巨蟹:水相星座的蟹子经常忽略自己的真正需求。
- 13. It's easy for the data architect to feel downtrodden in the face of such issues, but it's important to focus on the positives.
- 数据架构师很容易在面对这样问题的时候感到受压制,但务必要将眼光放在积极的方面。
- 14. Politicians often protest that services are for dodgy financiers or downtrodden burger-flippers and that Germany deserves better.
- 政客们总是反对面向风险金融家或是底层劳苦大众的服务业,但德国应当得到更好的服务。
- 15. In most of his works, he gave his praise to the hard-working, study middle class and showed his sympathy for the downtrodden, unfortunate poor.
- 在他大部分作品中,他都表达了对勤劳,坚强的中产阶级的赞誉,以及对破落不幸的穷苦人的同情。
- 16. He is the centre, his is the power and the glory, but always in the name of the people, in the name of the holy, in the name of the downtrodden.
- 他是一切的中心,是权力和荣耀,却总是打着为人民、为上帝、为受压迫的人们的幌子。
- 17. It is an extraordinary fact that the lead singer with the world's biggest rock band is also our generation's most persuasive champion of the downtrodden.
- 这是一个非常的事实,世界上最伟大摇滚乐队的主唱同时也是我们这一代最具说服力的底层人民捍卫者。
- 18. He was vocally critical of policies that targeted the downtrodden, such as a Senate-approved transit tax that made it difficult for refugees to resettle.
- 他口头批评不利于弱势群体的政策,如议会通过的一项妨碍难民重建家园的税务法案。
- 19. Many of the animals that inhabit this dark and downtrodden habitat are small and secretive, but they make up for their diminutive stature with huge Numbers.
- 在这片被踩踏过的幽暗的栖息地里,栖居着的很多动物都是微小的,深藏不露;不过,它们庞大的数量弥补了体型微小的不足。
- 20. All over the world, she was a symbol of selfless humanity, a standard bearer for the rights of the truly downtrodden, a very British girl who transcended nationality.
- 在全世界她是无私的人道的象征,是维护真正被践踏被摈弃的人们权益的旗手,是一个超越国界的英国女孩子,是一个带着一种自然的高贵气质的不分阶级的人。
- 21. A series of established paradigms are overthrown by downtrodden and oppressed anomalies (and their finders) as they rebel and usurp the throne by their counter truth.
- 受到压制排斥的异常事物(及其发现者)凭借反面事实揭竿而起夺取王位,颠覆了一系列已确立地位的典范。
- 22. Since I could not provide much medical assistance at the clinic, I sought a way to involve myself in the healing that was taking place and to raise the spirits of the downtrodden patients.
- 因为在诊所我不能提供很多的医疗援助, 我寻找了另一个方式让自己投入到治疗领域,那就是开始去提高受压迫患者的精神状态。
- 23. Born to one of the wealthiest American families, Mr. Kennedy spoke for the downtrodden in his public life while living the heedless private life of a playboy and a rake for many of his years.
- 尽管生于最富有的美国家族,在公众生活中,肯尼迪却为被压迫的底层人民说话;然而多年来,在私生活中,他却是个无所顾忌的纨绔子弟、花花公子。
- 24. Illegal DVDs showing South Korean soap operas gave northerners a taste of the better life their former countrymen enjoyed, helping to destroy the myth of South Korea as a downtrodden Yankee colony.
- 非法购买的DVD用来播放韩国的肥皂剧,让他们感受到了韩国人享受的美好生活,他们不再相信韩国是美国践踏下的殖民地。
- 25. The offensive power of shoes probably has something to do with the lowly status of the shoe, which resides, downtrodden with its face in the dirt, all the way at the bottom of the clothing hierarchy.
- 鞋子的侮辱力量很可能来自其自身卑贱的地位,你想想,整天拿着脸踩地,脏东西全往上面贴,虽然也是衣物体系的一分子,却永远都是处在最底层。
- 26. In declining industrial regions of the United States and Europe, planners are today hatching plots to revitalize downtrodden neighborhoods or collapsing industrial regions as new high-tech corridors.
- 在美国和欧洲的那些衰落的工业区,今天的策划者试图振兴那些被压制的居民区和崩溃的工业区,试图把它们变成新的高科技走廊。
- 27. In declining industrial regions of the United States and Europe, planners are today hatching plots to revitalize downtrodden neighborhoods or collapsing industrial regions as new high-tech corridors.
- 在美国和欧洲的那些衰落的工业区,今天的策划者试图振兴那些被压制的居民区和崩溃的工业区,试图把它们变成新的高科技走廊。