- 1. The big companies dominate the lower price points.
- 大公司在低端价格领域占主导地位。
- 2. Jones had set out to intimidate and dominate Paul.
- 琼斯曾试图威胁并控制保罗。
- 3. He denied that his country wants to dominate Europe.
- 他否认他的国家想称霸欧洲。
- 4. The book is expected to dominate the best-seller lists.
- 这本书预期将占据畅销书榜首的位置。
- 5. It is appropriate that Hispanic names dominate the list.
- 西班牙人的名字在这个名单中占主导地位是适当的。
- 6. Fathers have the power to dominate children and young people.
- 父辈们有控制孩子们和年轻人的能力。
- 7. Third, they now dominate left-of-center politics.
- 第三,他们现在主导着中间偏左的政治。
- 8. No one knows which—if any—battery technology will ultimately dominate, but one thing remains clear.
- 没有人知道哪一种电池技术(如果有的话)最终将占据主导地位,但有一件事是清楚的。
- 9. But in experimental areas protected from fire, a few perennial grass species eventually come to dominate, outcompeting all others.
- 但在受火灾保护的实验区,一些多年生草本植物最终占据了主导地位,超过了其他所有植物。
- 10. The same was not true of nonfiction or "popular" fiction, the mystery, romance and science-fiction books that often dominate bestseller lists.
- 对于纪实文学或经常占据畅销书排行榜的神秘、浪漫和科幻内容的“流行”小说而言,情况并非如此。
- 11. "The unpleasant voices have tended to dominate our perceptions," says Daniel Tichenor, a political science professor at the University of Oregon.
- “令人不快的声音往往主导着我们的认知,”俄勒冈大学的政治学教授丹尼尔·蒂切诺尔说。
- 12. Perhaps even earlier, there had emerged on the steppes of Inner Eurasia the distinctive types of pastoralism that were to dominate the region's history for several millennia.
- 也许更早的时候,在欧亚大陆内部的大草原上就出现了独特的游牧文化,这种文化主导了该地区几千年的历史。
- 13. Without predators, the species that is the best competitor for food, shelter, nesting sites, and other environmental resources tends to dominate and exclude the species with which it competes.
- 在没有捕食者的情况下,那些在食物、庇护所、巢穴据点和其他环境资源方面最具竞争力的物种往往会占据主导地位,并拒绝接纳那些与之竞争的物种。
- 14. That would be the people who buy advertising from them—and Facebook and Google, the two virtual giants, dominate digital advertising to the disadvantage of all other media and entertainment companies.
- 他们的客户是从他们那里购买广告的人,而脸书和谷歌这两大虚拟巨头控制着数字广告,这对于其他媒体和娱乐公司很不利。
- 15. He tended to dominate the conversation.
- 他往往左右着交谈的内容。
- 16. She always says a lot in meetings, but she doesn't dominate.
- 她在会上总是滔滔不绝,但她的话没什么影响。
- 17. Selling could continue to dominate as investors play it safe.
- 因为投资者们谨慎行事,售出可能会继续占主流。
- 18. In this case, push explanations dominate.
- 在这种情况下,推力的解释占上风。
- 19. It helps British and US universities to dominate global ranking.
- 它有助于英美的大学占据全球排名的主导地位。
- 20. At such times, winning may dominate one's intellect, and every action, no matter how gross, may be considered justifiable.
- 在这种情况下,胜利可能会影响一个人的判断能力,使得无论多么粗野的行为,都可能被正当化。
- 21. Whether it be at school or at a conference , speeches and orals dominate most fields of study.
- 无论是在学校还是在会议上,演讲和口试都是学习的主要部分。
- 22. The researchers have named them "bacteriode", "prevotella" and "ruminococcus", to reflect the species that dominate in each.
- 研究人员把它们分别命名为“细菌型(bacteroides)”、“普雷奥氏菌型(prevotella)”、以及“瘤胃球菌型(ruminococcus)”,以反映各生态系统中的优势菌。
- 23. I know it sounds simple, but in actuality, whatever thoughts, ideas, and images dominate our minds are often the trends we embrace in daily life.
- 我知道这听上去挺简单的,但是实际上,不管日常生活中占据我们的头脑是什么想法,念头,和景象我们常常都会拥抱的趋向。
- 24. The history of many countries - including his native Italy, where Tuscan came to dominate - is of one language or dialect prevailing over others.
- 许多国家的历史都是一种语言或方言战胜其他语言或方言的历史,这其中就包括他的祖国意大利——托斯卡纳语成了意大利的主要语言。
- 25. For instance, consider that only a handful of varieties of potatoes dominate the current marketplace, whereas thousands of varieties were once available.
- 举例来说,可以这样认为,目前只有少数品种的土豆主宰当前的市场,而数以千计的品种却是昔日可利用的。
- 26. Four different chemical reactions dominate the industry-each of which has pros and cons when it comes to utility, durability, cost, safety and performance.
- 四种不同的化学反应主导了工业界——当考虑到效用、耐用性、成本、安全性和性能时,它们中的每一种都有优劣之分。
- 27. One of your support heroes must upgrade chicken to crow with his first money in order for all players to dominate their lane, especially the solo hero.
- 为了使所有的己方能在线上占优势,特别是中单的英雄,你们的一个辅助英雄必须通过他的第一笔资金把鸡升级为鸟,。
- 28. But his views, expressed in a column entitled "Reflections of the Commander" that is published every few days in the state newspapers, still dominate Cuba.
- 但他将他的见解发表于国家报纸的一个名为“指挥官的沉思”专栏中,每隔几天就出版一次,这些观点仍控制了古巴。
- 29. Cells with a growth advantage expand faster and dominate. However, this can come at the price of genetic mutation, so growing fast is not always desirable.
- 有生长优势的细胞能迅速繁殖,成为优势种群。但是,这通常是由基因突变引起,并不是我们所期望的正常生长。
- 30. Cells with a growth advantage expand faster and dominate. However, this can come at the price of genetic mutation, so growing fast is not always desirable.
- 有生长优势的细胞能迅速繁殖,成为优势种群。但是,这通常是由基因突变引起,并不是我们所期望的正常生长。