- 1. The economy is in the doldrums.
- 经济毫无生气。
- 2. He's been in the doldrums ever since she left him.
- 自从她离开他以来,他一直很消沉。
- 3. The bond market normally revives after the summer doldrums.
- 债券市场通常在夏天萧条期后开始复苏。
- 4. Despite these measures, the economy remains in the doldrums.
- 尽管采取了这些措施,经济仍然停滞不前。
- 5. The dinosaur market is in the doldrums.
- 目前恐龙市场处于停滞不前的阶段。
- 6. But Hastings seems to be pulling out of its doldrums.
- 不过黑斯廷斯看起来正在摆脱这种萎靡不振。
- 7. China's property market was in the doldrums last year.
- 中国房地产市场去年陷入了低谷。
- 8. "Depression doldrums are a vicious cycle," Kaslow explains.
- “抑郁症的低落情绪就是一个邪恶的怪圈,”Kaslow解释到。
- 9. The day the Mariposa entered the doldrums, Martin was more miserable than ever.
- 马里泊萨号进入赤道无风带那天,马丁比任何时候都痛苦了。
- 10. Securitisation, one of the banks' most profitable areas, is inthe doldrums.
- 对银行来说利润率最高的证券化业务停滞不前。
- 11. The bears think many Western economies will face a similar period in the doldrums.
- 熊市论者认为,许多西方经济体将面临相似的低迷时期。
- 12. To get yourself out of the doldrums, you need to look for a way to get moving.
- 让自己摆脱消沉,你需要寻找一种方式来继续前进。
- 13. But with the American wind industry in the doldrums, there are few other big investments pending.
- 但是,美国的风电业处于低迷期,还有一些其他大的投资没有付诸实施。
- 14. But now researchers have revealed a ten-point action plan to help young mums out of the doldrums.
- 不过,研究人员最近公布了十点行动计划,以此帮助年轻妈妈走出忧郁的泥淖。
- 15. If drug addicts can learn to deal with their doldrums, however, they may be less likely to relapse.
- 可是,如果那些药物瘾君子能够学会如何应对自己的烦躁情绪,他们烦躁情绪复发的可能性就会降低。
- 16. The market bottomed out in 2002, then recovered modestly before hitting the summer doldrums in 2003.
- 市场在2002年触底,然后略有回升,在2003年夏天又陷入熊市。
- 17. And raise demand in the short-term to keep more workers out of the doldrums of long-term unemployment.
- 然后在短时期内提高需求来让更多的工人走出长期失业带来的低落情绪。
- 18. But withdrawal of even small parts of the stimulus packages can send an economy back into the doldrums.
- 然而,即便是抽走刺激方案中的一小部分,也可能将经济重新送进衰退。
- 19. Last year, with the economy still stuck in the doldrums, it accounted for almost half of all U.S. vacations.
- 在去年经济低迷时期,周末游占到了美国假期出游的一半。
- 20. After Labor Day, however, investors get serious and the summer market doldrums officially come to an end.
- 然而,在劳工节之后,投资者们开始担忧,夏季市场的萧条也正式结束了。
- 21. The bubble's collapse, beginning 20 years ago this December, led to almost two decades of economic doldrums.
- 泡沫在20年前的12月开始破灭,带来了近二十年的经济低潮。
- 22. The Banks are weak, the American housing market is still in the doldrums and the global imbalances have not gone away.
- 银行依然脆弱不堪,美国房市依然无精打采,全球失衡依然徘徊不去。
- 23. In 2009, when much of the market was still in the doldrums, prices for the top ten auctioned carpets started at $128, 500.
- 2009年,当多数艺术市场惨淡低迷时,最好的十张地毯的起拍价为128500美元。
- 24. Please note, the ideas in this article are meant only to distract you from daily doldrums that affect us all from time to time.
- 请注意,文章中的主意只能把你从一直影响大家的日常忧郁中摆脱出来。
- 25. In this case Dr Song first checked how prone each participant in the study was to the doldrums, in order to establish a baseline.
- 在研究中,宋教授首先检测了受试者的低落倾向程度,以便设定基准水平。
- 26. Organic food had moved into the mainstream and sales were motoring up 30% a year, while cheaper value ranges were in the doldrums.
- 有机食物成为大众消费的主流,销量也是以每年30%增长着,而普通蔬菜市场冷清。
- 27. Before then the firm had been on a roll, with Land Rover sales breaking records and Jaguars doing well after years in the doldrums.
- 而在那之前,JLR公司正鸿运当头,路虎的销售创下纪录,捷豹也在多年的萧条期后崛起。
- 28. Universities can be a source of skills and a place to sit out the doldrums, so students are entering and staying on at university more and more.
- 大学是职业技能的一个来源,一个可以“两耳不闻窗外事”的所在,所以学生们越来越多地进入大学并留在那里。
- 29. Many of the social-games companies are on a hiring binge, creating hundreds of new jobs at a time when the economy around them is in the doldrums.
- 正值周边环境哀鸿遍野之时,很多社交网游公司却广为招贤纳士,成百上千个职位虚席以待。
- 30. Many of the social-games companies are on a hiring binge, creating hundreds of new jobs at a time when the economy around them is in the doldrums.
- 正值周边环境哀鸿遍野之时,很多社交网游公司却广为招贤纳士,成百上千个职位虚席以待。