- 1. The fabric is often used for a quilt, bed linen, or doily .
- 的往往是一个被子,床用织物亚麻布,或垫。
- 2. To make a doily or lace, you use thin thread and a small hook.
- 为了织一盘垫或花边,您可以使用超薄串和一个小钩。
- 3. As we settled into our pink and red doily-covered table and looked over the heart-shaped menus, I was ready to die.
- 当我们都入座后,看到桌子上摆着心形的菜单,桌面用粉红色的布盖着,盘碟放在鲜红色餐巾布上,我想这下我糗大了。
- 4. It’s really over glamorized here, and that stupid doily cloth thing makes no sense, and doesn’t really enhance the PSP or game play experience.
- 这款掌机的确是虚饰过度了,那种样子傻傻的小饰巾一点儿意思没有,而且实在无法使掌机功能有所增强或提升游戏体验。
- 5. And lo, I discovered that the weaving of white paper formed a matrix that resonated with arcane power. that within the mystic sigil that is the doily, there lay a path taken by few!
- 看,我发现白纸的编结方法形成了一个能与奥术能量共鸣的矩阵。也就是说在纸垫上的神秘图案中,隐藏着一条鲜为人知的道路!
- 6. Thank you, Sir Greenhilt. my preliminary inquest into the doily conundrum revealed that they were best used as a decorative lay on a dessert pedestal, under a cake or perhaps a pie.
- 谢谢,Greenhilt阁下,我对小纸垫谜题初步研究后发现,它们最主要的用途是摆放在蛋糕和派等甜点下面作为装饰。
- 7. Thank you, Sir Greenhilt. my preliminary inquest into the doily conundrum revealed that they were best used as a decorative lay on a dessert pedestal, under a cake or perhaps a pie.
- 谢谢,Greenhilt阁下,我对小纸垫谜题初步研究后发现,它们最主要的用途是摆放在蛋糕和派等甜点下面作为装饰。