- 1. The documentary painted her in a bad light.
- 纪录片的描绘对她很不利。
- 2. The documentary premiered at the Jerusalem Film Festival.
- 那部记录片在耶路撒冷电影节上首映。
- 3. She also narrated a documentary about the Kirov Ballet School.
- 她还为一部关于基洛夫芭蕾舞学院的记录片作过解说。
- 4. He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary programme.
- 他利用当过游艇驾驶员的经历来制作纪录片。
- 5. She spent two years in South Florida researching and filming her documentary.
- 她在南佛罗里达花了两年的时间研究和拍摄纪录片。
- 6. The documentary caused a lot of bad feeling, not least among the workers whose lives it described.
- 那部纪录片引起了许多人的反感,尤其是在片中描写到其生活的工人。
- 7. The government says it has documentary evidence that the two countries were planning military action.
- 该政府宣称,它拥有这两个国家正在策划军事行动的书面证据。
- 8. I had a neighbor who worked as a documentary cameraman.
- 我曾经有一个从事纪录片摄影师工作的邻居。
- 9. He set the standard, really, for the nature documentary.
- 他为真正的自然纪录片设定了标准。
- 10. You have to remember this is a drama, not a documentary.
- 你要记住这是一部戏剧,不是纪录片。
- 11. This great battle was vividly recorded in the documentary film.
- 这部记录片生动地再现了这场伟大的战役。
- 12. People get AIDS from each other, he explains in the documentary.
- 他在纪录片中解释道,人们互相传染艾滋病。
- 13. Cinema might, for example, have become primarily a documentary form.
- 例如,电影可能成为一种以纪录片为主的形式。
- 14. Just to be clear, will the show's format be like that of a documentary?
- 咱说得明白点,这个节目的形式会像纪录片那样吗?
- 15. The documentary 2016: Obama's America was directed in large part by a conservative writer.
- 纪录片《2016:奥巴马的美国》在很大程度上是由一位保守派作家执导的。
- 16. Documentary: visual presentation (such as a video, slide show, or computer project) no more than 10 minutes long.
- 纪实作品:不超过10分钟的视觉展示,例如播放视频,幻灯片或者演示计算机程序。
- 17. On Saturday, this weekly programme includes the first part of a documentary series about the discovery of a l5th century village.
- 周六,这个每周一次的节目包括关于发现一个15世纪村庄的纪录片系列的第一部分。
- 18. In order to achieve these objectives, we must concentrate more on productions, the exchange of news, documentary services and training.
- 为了实现这些目标,我们必须把更多的精力集中在制作、新闻交流、纪录片服务和培训上。
- 19. Ms. Carr put her cancer experience in a recent Learning Channel documentary, and she has written a practical guide about how she coped.
- 卡尔女士在最近一期学习频道播放的纪录片中讲述了她的癌症经历,她还写了一本关于如何应对癌症的实用指南。
- 20. For example, a 2016 documentary featuring the Forbidden City's cultural relics and their restorers, urged lots of college students to apply to work as volunteers there.
- 例如,2016年一部以故宫的文化遗产和它们的修复者为主题的纪录片鼓励了许多大学生申请成为在那里工作的志愿者。
- 21. The documentary presents him in a very unfavourable light.
- 这部纪录片从十分负面的角度来描绘他。
- 22. The documentary opens tomorrow in movie theaters nationwide.
- 这部纪录片明日起在全国各地的影院上映。
- 23. Tonight PBS will air a documentary called "Democracy In Action".
- 今晚PBS电台将播放一部名为《民主进行时》的纪录片。
- 24. The documentary focuses on the razzmatazz of an American political campaign.
- 这部纪录影片着重展现出一场美国政治运动令人眼花缭乱的一面。
- 25. I think the documentary is well worth watching.
- 我认为这部纪录片很值得一看。
- 26. A documentary recorded some of his life stories.
- 一部纪录片记录了他的一些生平故事。
- 27. How about the third season of documentary Aerial China?
- 纪录片《航拍中国》第三季怎么样?
- 28. We Chinese are encouraged by the touching documentary Amazing China.
- 感人纪录片《辉煌中国》鼓舞了我们中国人。
- 29. In 2009, American filmmakers produced a documentary called Big River Man.
- 2009年,美国电影人制作了一部名为《大河男人》的纪录片。
- 30. He became interested in collecting kites after he watched a documentary.
- 在看了一部纪录片后,他对收集风筝产生了兴趣。