- 1. The 1990s was a period of disinflation, when companies lost much of their power to raise prices.
- 20世纪90年代是一段通货紧缩期,当时各公司大大丧失了他们的提价能力。
- 2. If they contain disinflation, they may not.
- 即便他们能抑制通货紧缩,他们也可能不这么做。
- 3. Who Shall Be Responsible For the Global Disinflation ?
- 谁应对全球通货紧缩负责?。
- 4. To the extent that this helps contain global disinflation, it is helpful.
- 在某种程度上来说有助于抑制全球经济通货紧缩,这种循环是有益的。
- 5. In the past years, a sharp disinflation has appeared largely because of tight money policies.
- 这几年出现了明显的通货收缩,很大程度上是由于采取了货币紧缩政策。
- 6. Now, if you operate an economy below trend for long periods of time, disinflation is sure to become a problem.
- 现在,如果你操纵经济长期低于基本趋势,通货紧缩势必成为一个难题。
- 7. We concur with this medium-term outlook of disinflation, although CPI inflation in the coming months could remain above 5%.
- 虽然将来几个月消费者价格指数可能会保持在高于5%的水平,我们同意这个反通货膨胀(disinflation)的中期展望。
- 8. They are locked into competitive disinflation against Germany, the world's foremost exporter of very high-quality manufactures.
- 相对于全球高品质制品的头号出口国德国,这些国家受困于竞争性通胀减缓(competitive disinflation)之中。
- 9. The key question is whether the recent rise in inflation in Asia is cyclical or the first sign of reversal in the structural disinflation trend.
- 关键问题在于,近期亚洲通胀率的上升是周期性的,还是结构性的低通胀局面发生逆转的初期迹象?
- 10. That includes the high point, in 1980, when it hit 14%, and several periods of disinflation, when inflation hovered around 1% and prices remained steady.
- 其中包括1980年达到的最高点14%,之后就开始抑制通货膨胀的时期,在通胀率保持在1%的水平时,物价保持稳定。
- 11. Sometimes, these two important financial markets move up together, especially in an environment of general disinflation, when interest rates tend to decline.
- 有时候,这两个重要的金融市场一起移动,特别是在一般通货膨胀,当利率趋于下降的环境。
- 12. And it seemed to work, thanks to the long period of disinflation from 1982 onwards, which saw nominal bond yields fall sharply and share prices rise substantially.
- 而且,托1982年以来的长期低通胀的福,这个理论好像在发挥作用:债券名义利率陡降股价稳步上升。
- 13. Since July, as the US growth outlook slowed with a more intense fiscal drag, the Fed has signalled easier policy with quantitative easing proposed to stem steady disinflation.
- 7月以来,随着美国日益严重的财政拖累,预期的经济增速放缓,美联储表示采取更简易的定量宽松政策,以平稳遏止通货紧缩。
- 14. Since July, as the US growth outlook slowed with a more intense fiscal drag, the Fed has signalled easier policy with quantitative easing proposed to stem steady disinflation.
- 7月以来,随着美国日益严重的财政拖累,预期的经济增速放缓,美联储表示采取更简易的定量宽松政策,以平稳遏止通货紧缩。