- 1. Their economic prospects have dimmed.
- 他们的经济前景变得暗淡了。
- 2. Their memory of what happened has dimmed.
- 他们对所发生的事的记忆变得模糊了。
- 3. Her passion for dancing never dimmed over the years.
- 这些年来她对跳舞的热情一直不减。
- 4. The lights in the theatre dimmed as the curtain rose.
- 幕布升起,剧场内的灯光暗了下来。
- 5. His paintings had become more impressionistic as his eyesight dimmed.
- 随着他的视力减弱,他的画变得越来越富有印象派风格。
- 6. Due to some changes like increases in housing prices in San Jose, the prospects for its poor people have dimmed.
- 由于圣何塞房价上涨等变化,生活在圣何塞的穷人看不到希望。
- 7. Just before people began entering the hall, Larry dimmed the lights and turned up the sound system, which was playing soft music, hoping to create a warm personal atmosphere for the speech.
- 就在人们开始进入大厅之前,拉里调暗了灯光,打开了音响系统播放轻柔的音乐,希望为演讲创造一个温暖的私人氛围。
- 8. The sky was dimmed by clouds.
- 乌云使天色变得朦胧暗淡。
- 9. The moon was dimmed by clouds and the stars were darkened.
- 月色朦胧,星辰昏暗。
- 10. Suddenly the lights dimmed.
- 就在这时,灯光突然暗了下来。
- 11. Daylight dimmed beyond the town gate.
- 日光在镇门远处渐现冷酷。
- 12. Another year passed and her hopes dimmed.
- 又一年过去了,她的希望变得更加渺茫。
- 13. As I began to speak, the lights were dimmed.
- 我刚一开口,灯光就暗了下来。
- 14. The stars of heaven were dimmed by earthly fears.
- 尘世的忧虑,蒙蔽了天上的星星。
- 15. The budget crisis really dimmed my hopes of staying on.
- 预算危机真使我继续待下去的希望变得渺茫了。
- 16. Brain changes have temporarily dimmed their capacity for enjoyment.
- 大脑的变化暂时淡化了他们的享受能力。
- 17. But opportunities missed in emerging markets have dimmed HSBC's aura.
- 错过新兴市场的机会,则暗淡了汇丰的光环。
- 18. By using fewer sodium channels, the signal gets dimmed and energy is conserved.
- 减少钠离子通道可减弱信号,从而节约能量。
- 19. Then the studio lights dimmed, and only Mr. King’s iconic microphone stayed lit.
- 然后演播室的灯光开始熄灭,只有拉里的手机屏幕依旧闪亮。
- 20. Then the studio lights dimmed, and only Mr. King's iconic microphone stayed lit.
- 然后演播室的灯光开始熄灭,只有拉里的手机屏幕依旧闪亮。
- 21. Then headlights and engines came to life. Two sets of red taillights dimmed and soon disappeared.
- 然后前照灯和汽车引擎开始工作,两个红色的尾灯变暗,很快消失了。
- 22. Atlantic City's prospects have been further dimmed by growing competition from neighbouring states.
- 来自邻近州不断增强的竞争也使亚特兰大城的前景更加暗淡。
- 23. After dark the only light came from fires near the shoreline, though it was dimmed by a cloud of dust.
- 天黑之后,惟一的亮光来自于沿海岸火灾,尽管它在灰尘笼罩下显得非常黯淡。
- 24. Those episodes of Keynesian policy were ineffective, but that has not dimmed enthusiasm for the approach.
- 这些有关于凯恩斯主义策略的插曲是没有奏效的,但却没有让支持者们失去热情。
- 25. The flashing light dimmed into the distance as the police car rolled to a halt, much to the amazement of its occupants.
- 警车抛锚了,闪烁的灯光也远去了。这让警车里的人惊奇不已。
- 26. The city's neon glare was dimmed at night, in line with a power-saving drive forced by shutdowns at other atomic plants.
- 因为其他的核电站已经关闭,为了节约电能,城市的霓虹灯在晚上不再那么闪亮。
- 27. But CFLs couldn’t be dimmed, they were fragile, and they produced a light that had all the warmth and appeal of skim milk.
- 不过节能灯不能调光,而且易碎,它所发出的光芒就像脱脂牛奶一样柔和温暖,富有吸引力。
- 28. But firms like Bank of America are still paying for mortgage SINS of days gone by, which have dimmed their profit pictures.
- 但是象美洲银行这样的公司还一直在为过去岁月的抵押贷款过错支付着资金,而这已经模糊了他们的盈利图景。
- 29. But firms like Bank of America are still paying for mortgage SINS of days gone by, which have dimmed their profit pictures.
- 但是象美洲银行这样的公司还一直在为过去岁月的抵押贷款过错支付着资金,而这已经模糊了他们的盈利图景。