- 1. So the size statistics given a new method to study the diluvial .
- 由此为山前洪积扇研究提供了新的方法和线索。
- 2. The Nitrate concentrations in groundwater in the alluvial - diluvial fan of Zhangjiakou area has increased year by year.
- 张家口冲-洪积扇区地下水中的硝酸盐含量逐年升高。
- 3. Except the site at the station of Luntai belongs to alluvial and diluvial fan, all the sites are saline soil with strong erosion.
- 场地土除末站冲洪积扇外,其余均属盐渍土,对建筑基础有强腐蚀性。
- 4. The studied platinum - gold placer occurs in Quaternary alluvial - diluvial a piedmont valley of ultrabasic rocks, Northwest China.
- 该铂-金砂矿产于超基性岩体山前谷地的第四纪冲积- 洪积层中。
- 5. The frontal riser of the first pediment surface (P1) is the most recent fault scarp or diluvial platform; at the foot of pediment P1 outcrops the fault.
- 第1级麓原面(P1)的前缘陡坎为最新断层崖或洪积台地,断层崖的坡脚为断裂带地表出露位置;
- 6. For diluvial soils, KBD distribution was probably related with soil texture. Soils with high content of gravel in bottom layer are mostly concentrated on KBD affected area.
- 就洪积土壤来说,其与大骨节病分布的关系似乎与土壤质地有一定的联系,底部砾石含量高的土壤多集中在大骨节病地区。
- 7. For diluvial soils, KBD distribution was probably related with soil texture. Soils with high content of gravel in bottom layer are mostly concentrated on KBD affected area.
- 就洪积土壤来说,其与大骨节病分布的关系似乎与土壤质地有一定的联系,底部砾石含量高的土壤多集中在大骨节病地区。