- 1. Musicologists therefore hypothesize that the diatonic musical scale was developed and used thousands of years before it was adopted by Western musicians.
- 音乐学家因此推测,在被西方音乐家采用之前,全音阶已经发展和使用了数千年。
- 2. The Dorian mode is one of the oldest diatonic scales.
- 道林模式是最古老的全音阶之一。
- 3. The basic harmonica is a diatonic instrument.
- 这种基本的口琴是一种全音的乐器。
- 4. The first note of a diatonic scale; the keynote.
- 主音自然音阶的第一个音阶;主音阶。
- 5. What are the main characteristics of a diatonic harp, for example.
- 比如,什么是布鲁斯口琴最重要的特征?
- 6. The Pythagorean "diatonic" scale, still the basis of most Western music, is made up from seven notes.
- 毕氏“全音阶”范围仍然是多数西方音乐的基石,它由七个音符组成。
- 7. The ascending diatonic scale is the scale going up by step from lower to higher frequencies or pitches.
- 上行自然音阶为依次由低到高上升的音。
- 8. The descending diatonic scale is the scale going down by step from higher to lower frequencies or pitches.
- 上行自然音阶为依次由高到低下降的音。
- 9. These diatonic scale frequencies are encoded in each segment of the crop circle and can be played on the piano.
- “从近几年的历史看,麦田怪圈都与自然音阶(钢琴的白键音符)存在者联系,”她说。 “这些自然音阶出现的频率被编入了怪圈的每个分割区域,可以同钢琴演奏出这些音调。
- 10. The absence of a tonal center and of harmonies derived from a diatonic scale corresponding to such a center; lack of tonality.
- 无调性缺少中心旋律及和谐性,由与此中心对应的全音阶得来;
- 11. The seventh so added will be a major seventh in the case of triads on the tonic and subdominant, and a minor seventh in the case of other degrees of the diatonic major scale.
- 所增加的七音在主音和下属音三和弦的情况下成为大七和弦,在自然大音阶的其他音的情况下成为小七和弦。
- 12. He makes no attempt to explain musical terms: readers who do not know what a "diatonic, homophonic pronouncement of a frottola rhythm" is will be none the wiser after reading about it here.
- 他并不力图解释音乐术语:不知“弗罗托拉韵律的全音阶、同音发声法”为何物的读者不会在读了这部新著后变得聪明。
- 13. He makes no attempt to explain musical terms: readers who do not know what a "diatonic, homophonic pronouncement of a frottola rhythm" is will be none the wiser after reading about it here.
- 他并不力图解释音乐术语:不知“弗罗托拉韵律的全音阶、同音发声法”为何物的读者不会在读了这部新著后变得聪明。