- 1. To desecrate a holy spring is considered profanity.
- 圣泉俗用被认为是亵渎神灵的行为。
- 2. You desecrate the house of god!
- 你亵渎了上帝的居所!
- 3. You desecrate your real father's memory.
- 你亵渎了你父亲的名声。
- 4. To ignore justice is to desecrate mercy.
- 忽视公义,是践踏怜悯。
- 5. The enemy desecrate the church by using it as a stable.
- 敌人亵渎这所教堂,把它当做马厩。
- 6. And even tried to desecrate the temple; so we seized him.
- 连圣殿他也想要污秽。我们把他捉住了。
- 7. He would, in his own idea, desecrate the word by doing so.
- 他将在他自己的想法,亵渎这样的词。
- 8. He even tried to desecrate our temple, but we arrested him.
- 他还企图亵渎圣殿,我们便把他抓住了。
- 9. The priests must not desecrate the sacred offerings the Israelites present to the Lord.
- 祭司不可亵渎以色列人所献给耶和华的圣物。
- 10. You will no longer to be allowed to desecrate the land, oceans or my valuable resources.
- 你们不再被允许践踏这片土地,大海和我宝贵的资源。
- 11. yet because of his defect, he must not go near the curtain or approach the altar, and so desecrate my sanctuary.
- 但不可进到幔子前,也不可就近坛前,因为他有残疾,免得亵渎我的圣所。
- 12. The seneschal didn’t disagree with that conclusion, but there was another point. “There was no need to desecrate a good man.”
- 总管没有不同意这些论断,但这里有另一要点,“没必要亵渎一个好人。”
- 13. Or haven't you read in the Law that the priests on Sabbath duty in the temple desecrate the Sabbath and yet are innocent?
- 再者,律法上所记的, 当安息日,祭司在殿里犯了安息日还是没有罪,你们没有念过麽?
- 14. The Ancient and Mighty Ones shall cause the balance to be made for those who desecrate the Lord and Lady, Their temples, or Their creations.
- 古老强大的众神会去平衡那些亵渎父母神,祂们的神殿,或祂们的创造物的行为。
- 15. On the basis of fluid mechanics, a comprehensive model for simulating flow field at nozzle exit is developed by using desecrate vortex method.
- 根据流体力学原理,用离散涡方法建立了在复平面上模拟喷嘴出口流场的一套完整模型。
- 16. Sometimes we forget the Lord and His disciples consistently remembered the Sabbath and kept it holy. At no time did they ever desecrate the day according to the Scriptural commands.
- 有时我们会忘记其实主和祂的门徒一直记著安息日并且也守为圣日,他们遵守经上的命令,从没有干犯过安息日。
- 17. After seeing how inhumanely these chickens, ducks, cows, lambs and pigs are treated, anyone with an ounce of compassion would realise that these selfish actions desecrate life itself.
- 稍具善念者在目睹了鸡鸭牛羊猪被如此不人道对待之后,都会省悟这种自私的行为只是在践踏生命。
- 18. She notes that some mastaba (early non-pyramid tomb) walls in Giza and Saqqara were actually inscribed with "curses" meant to terrify those who would desecrate or rob the royal resting place.
- 她指出,在吉萨和萨卡拉有些古埃及墓室(早期非金字塔墓)的墙壁上确实刻有“诅咒”两字,目的是为了吓走那些会亵渎或皇家劫掠陵墓的人。
- 19. She notes that some mastaba (early non-pyramid tomb) walls in Giza and Saqqara were actually inscribed with "curses" meant to terrify those who would desecrate or rob the royal resting place.
- 她指出,在吉萨和萨卡拉有些古埃及墓室(早期非金字塔墓)的墙壁上确实刻有“诅咒”两字,目的是为了吓走那些会亵渎或皇家劫掠陵墓的人。